# Updated MBM December 7th, 2004. # Updated MBM March 10th, 2006. # Updated MBM June 12th, 2006. # Updated MBM October 3, 2013 (interprpoly) macro(speedupZpt=true): # to use modp1 if substring(interface(version),1..19) = `TTY Iris, Release 5` or substring(interface(version),1..36) = `Maple Worksheet Interface, Release 5` then macro(RELEASE6=false); lprint("Reading recden for Maple 5"); else macro(RELEASE6=true); macro(Add='Add'); macro(Multiply='Multiply'); fi: # POLYNOMIAL( R::, A:: ) # # The purpose of this data type is to provide efficient computation for # multivariate polynomials over the rings Z, Q, and Zp, Zm and simple # algebraic extensions of Q and Zp. The operations we want to implement # include polynomial division, GCD, resultant and factorization. # # The data structure is a recursive dense representation for polynomials. # Thus it is most useful for naturally recursive algorithms such as GCD # algorithms but it is less useful for computing Groebner bases. # In particular, if p is a machine prime then the data structure will be # particularly efficient so that "modular" algorithms may be implemented # efficiently. # # POLYNOMIAL( R::, A:: ) # # All information about the polynomial ring to which the polynomial A # belongs is stored in R and the polynomial itself is stored in A. # Most binary operations, e.g. addition, are valid only for polynomials in # the same ring. Scalar multiplication, an exception, is valid for any # any subfield (or subring) of R. # # ::= [ M::nonnegint, X::list(name), E::list() ] # # The first entry is the modulus M. By convention, if M=0 we are over Q. # The second entry is the list of variable names. The third argument is # a list of simple monic algebraic extensions over the ground field F. # They are stored in reverse order, i.e. the first extension over F is # is E[-1], then E[-2], etc. # # ::= 0 || list() # ::= || # # The data structure is recursive dense with the Maple integer 0 indicating # a zero coefficient. Thus a is the zero polynomial iff A = 0. # # Example: the polynomial 2*x^2-y^2 in Z[x,y] is represented as # # POLYNOMIAL( [0,[x,y],[]], [[0,0,-1],0,[2]] ) # # Example: the finite field GF(16) may be represented by Z2[x]/ # The polynomial x*y^2-y may be represented by # # POLYNOMIAL( [2,[y,x],[[1,1,0,0,1]]], [0,[-1],[0,1]] ) # # Example: the number field Q(sqrt(2),sqrt(3-sqrt(2))) may be represented by # Q[a,b]/ and the polynomial a*x^2-2*b-1 would be # # POLYNOMIAL( [0,[x,a,b],[[[-3,1],0,[1]],[-2,0,1]]], [[[1,-1]],0,[0,[1]]] ) # # Example: Hence elements of finite fields and algebraic number fields are # represented by simple algebraic extensions. Thus the element a+b+1 in # the number field would be represented by # # POLYNOMIAL( [0,[a,b],[[[-3,1],0,[1]],[-2,0,1]]], [[1,1],[1]] ) # # The field extensions may be reducible, but they must be monic. # Example, the ring R := Q[z]/ = [0,[z],[-1,0,0,1]] is fine # but invalid is rring( R, x, z*x^2-1 ) = R[x]/(z*x^2-1) ) # # NB: minimal polynomials are made monic automatically in the RootOf # representation if and only if leading coefficients are invertible. # E.g. RootOf( RootOf(z^2-2)*z^2-1 ); ==> RootOf(2*_Z^2-RootOf(_Z^2-2)) # E.g. RootOf( RootOf(z^2-z)*z^2-1 ); ==> RootOf(RootOf(_Z^2-_Z)*_Z^2-1) # # Polynomials may be constructed in two ways, first, directly, using the rpoly # command which builds a polynomial over the given ring. E.g. to build # the polynomial f = x^2+a+3 where a = sqrt(2) we may use # # f := rpoly(x^2+a*y+3,[x,y,a],a^2-2); # or f := rpoly(x^2+a*y+3,[x,y,a],a=RootOf(z^2-2)); # # Alternatively we can first build the coefficient ring K = Q(sqrt(2)) # then the polynomial ring K[x] then convert f to K[x] as follows: # # K := rring(a,a^2-2); # Kxy := rring(K,[x,y]); # f := rpoly(x^2+a*y+3,Kxy); # # Example: build the finite field GF(16) represented by Z2[x]/ # Then create the polynomial x*y^2-y in the polynomial ring P = GF(16)[y]. # # GF16 := rring(x,x^4+x+1,2); ==> [2, [x], [[1, 1, 0, 0, 1]]] # P := rring(GF16,y); ==> [2, [y, x], [[1, 1, 0, 0, 1]]] # f := rpoly(P,x*y^2-y); ==> POLYNOMIAL( P, [0,[1],[0,1]]) # # In one step this is f := rpoly(x*y^2-y,[y,x],x^4+x+1,2); # Example: construct the number field Q(sqrt(2),sqrt(3-sqrt(2))). # Then create the element sqrt(2)*sqrt(3-sqrt(2)) in K. # # K := rring([x,y],[x^2-3-y,y^2-2]); ==> [0, [x,y], [[[-3,-1],0,[1]], [-2,0,1]]] # f := rpoly(x*y,K); ==> POLYNOMIAL(K, [0, [0, 1]]) # rpoly(f); ==> x*y # # In one step this is f := rpoly(x*y,[x,y],[x^2-3-y,y^2-2]); # Example: Repeat the above example using the RootOf representation. # # r := [y=RootOf(z^2-2), x=RootOf(z^2-3-RootOf(z^2-2))]; # K := rring([x,y],r); ==> [0, [x,y], [[[-3,-1],0,[1]], [-2,0,1]]] # f := rpoly(x*y,K); ==> POLYNOMIAL(K, [0, [0, 1]]) # rpoly(f,RootOf); ==> RootOf(_Z^2-3-RootOf(_Z^2-2))*RootOf(_Z^2-2) # # In one step f := rpoly(x*y,[x,y],r); ==> POLYNOMIAL(K, [0, [0, 1]]) # The field operations are done by addrpoly, subrpoly, mulrpoly, invrpoly. # Multiplying A=(a+b+1) * B=(a*x^2-2*b-1) is done with scarpoly(A,B) though # the final implementation should permit * for scalar multiplication. # # It appears to be important to be able to access the ring directly. # Thus op(1,f) should return the ring as a valid Maple object # and op(2,f) should give access to the polynomial data itself. # Likewise, in order to make certain operations cost O(1), e.g. # retracting from Q[z]/ to Q[z], it is important to be able # to form a new polynomial by changing the ring. # Thus subsop(1=new ring,f) should be supported. # Furthermore, a number of operations apply directly to the ring such as # the defect of an algebraic number field. Moreover, it appears to be # useful to apply other operations to rings such as ring morphisms such # as mapping the ring Q[x,y]/ mod p for a prime p. # And for input, we provide rring to create the ring directly. # # Although the data structure is intended to represent polynomials, and # this clearly includes elements of field extensions e.g. GF(16) as illustrated # above, also we permit constants for uniformity e.g. 3 in GF(5) is # # POLYNOMIAL([5,[],[]],3) # # For uniformity it seems better to have operations lcrpoly, tcrpoly, coeffrpoly # and coeffsrpoly always return a POLYNOMIAL so that the ring information is not lost. # This means that invrpoly(lcrpoly(a)) and powrpoly(lcrpoly(a),n) always work. # To provide an interface to routines for working with Maple rationals, # we've provided ilcrpoly, itcrpoly, icoeffrpoly, icoeffsrpoly, idenomrpoly. # It seems that the most natural internal Maple structure of a POLYNOMIAL # DAG with two fields, one for the ring and one for the polynomial as # defined here will work just fine now that Maple 6 has immediate integers. # This means that the cost in storage for a constant (e.g. 3 mod 5 above) # will be 3 words plus the 2 words in the simpl table which note is less # than the storage requried for a Maple software float. # # Operations defined # # getring(A::POLYNOMIAL)::POLYRING == op(1,A) # getpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL)::POLYDATA == op(2,A) # getchar(A::POLYNOMIAL)::nonnegint == op([1,1],A) # getvars(A::POLYNOMIAL)::list(name) == op([1,2],A) # getexts(A::POLYNOMIAL)::list(POLYDATA) == op([1,3],A) # # iszerorpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL)::boolean # isunivariate(A::POLYNOMIAL)::boolean # ismonomial(A::POLYNOMIAL)::boolean # isconstant(A::POLYNOMIAL)::boolean # isretrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,S::POLYRING)::boolean # isretrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,S::POLYRING,b::name)::boolean # issubring(R::POLYRING,S::POLYRING)::boolean # is R a subring of S # hassamering(A::POLYNOMIAL,B::POLYNOMIAL)::boolean # # getcofring(A::{POLYNOMIAL,POLYRING})::POLYRING # getcofring(A::{POLYNOMIAL,POLYRING},N::integer)::POLYRING # getpolvars(A::POLYNOMIAL)::list(name) # getalgext(A::{POLYNOMIAL,POLYRING})::POLYNOMIAL # getalgext(A::{POLYNOMIAL,POLYRING},N::integer)::POLYNOMIAL # getalgexts(A::{POLYNOMIAL,POLYRING})::list(POLYNOMIMAL) # # In the let ext denotes field extensions: # ext = {polynomial(rational,X),list(polynomial(rational,X)),RootOf,list(RootOf)} # # convert(A::POLYNOMIAL,POLYNOMIAL)::polynom(rational) # convert(A::POLYNOMIAL,POLYNOMIAL,RootOf)::polynom(algnum) # convert(A::polynom(rational),R::POLYRING)::POLYNOMIAL # convert(A::polynom(rational,X),POLYNOMIAL,X::list(name),R::ext,M::posint)::POLYNOMIAL # # The above use of convert will now be superceeded by: # rpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL)::expression # rpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,RootOf)::expression # rpoly(a::polynomial(rational),R::POLYRING)::POLYNOMIAL # rpoly(a::polynomial(rational),X::{name,list(name)},E::ext,M::posint)::POLYNOMIAL # # The ring may be created directly # rring(X::{name,list(name)} [,E::ext] [,M::posint]) # rring(R::POLYRING, X::{name,list(name)}) # creates the ring R[X] # rring(R::POLYRING, X::{name,list(name)} [,E::ext]) # creates the ring R[X]/E # rring(R::POLYRING, f::POLYNOMIAL ) # creates the ring R/f # # monrpoly(R::POLYRING,D::list(integer))::POLYNOMIAL # consrpoly(R::POLYRING,C::POLYNOMIAL))::POLYNOMIAL # list2rpoly(L::list(POLYNOMIAL),x::name)::POLYNOMIAL # makemainrpoly(f::POLYNOMIAL,x::name)::POLYNOMIAL # shiftrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,N::{integer,list(integer)})::POLYNOMIAL # maprpoly(F::procedure,A::POLYNOMIAL,N::nonnegint)::POLYNOMIAL # # modsrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL)::POLYNOMIAL # modprpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL)::POLYNOMIAL # iquorpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,b::integer)::POLYNOMIAL # # degrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL)::{-infinity,nonnegint} # degree in main variable # degrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,X::{posint,name})::{-infinity,nonnegint} # degrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,X::list(name))::list({-infinity,nonnegint}) # tdegrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL)::{-infinity,nonnegint} # ldegrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL)::{-infinity,nonnegint} # low degree in main variable # ldegrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,X::{posint,name})::{-infinity,nonnegint} # ldegrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,X::list(name))::list({-infinity,nonnegint}) # coeffrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,N::nonnegint)::POLYNOMIAL # in main variable # coeffrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,N::nonnegint,x::name)::POLYNOMIAL # in x # icoeffrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,N::nonnegint)::rational # icoeffrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,N::nonnegint,x::name)::rational # lcrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL)::POLYNOMIAL # in main variable # redrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL)::POLYNOMIAL # tcrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL)::POLYNOMIAL # in main variable # lcrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,X::{posint,name,list(name)})::POLYNOMIAL # tcrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,X::{posint,name,list(name)})::POLYNOMIAL # coeffsrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL)::sequence(POLYNOMIAL) # in all polynomial variables # icoeffsrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL)::sequence(rational) # in all polynomial variables # coeffsrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,X::{integer,name,list(name)})::sequence(POLYNOMIAL) # icoeffsrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,X::{integer,name,list(name)})::sequence(rational) # maxnrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL)::nonnegint # onenrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL)::nonnegint # # addrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL, B::POLYNOMIAL)::POLYNOMIAL # binary addition # addrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL [,POLYNOMIAL*])::POLYNOMIAL # nary addition # subrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL, B::POLYNOMIAL)::POLYNOMIAL # mulrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL, B::POLYNOMIAL)::POLYNOMIAL # binary multipication # mulrpoly(r::rational, B::POLYNOMIAL )::POLYNOMIAL # scalar multiplication # mulrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,[,POLYNOMIAL*])::POLYNOMIAL # nary multiplication # powrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,N::integer)::POLYNOMIAL # scarpoly(A::rational,B::POLYNOMIAL)::POLYNOMIAL # scarpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,B::POLYNOMIAL)::POLYNOMIAL # divrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,B::POLYNOMIAL,Q::NAME)::boolean # negrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL)::POLYNOMIAL # invrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL)::POLYNOMIAL # # remrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,B::POLYNOMIAL)::POLYNOMIAL # remrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,B::POLYNOMIAL,Q::name)::POLYNOMIAL # quorpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,B::POLYNOMIAL)::POLYNOMIAL # quorpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,B::POLYNOMIAL,R::name)::POLYNOMIAL # premrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,B::POLYNOMIAL)::POLYNOMIAL # pseudo-remainder # premrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,B::POLYNOMIAL,M::name,Q::name)::POLYNOMIAL # gcdexrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,B::POLYNOMIAL)::[POLYNOMIAL,POLYNOMIAL,POLYNOMIAL] # powmodrpoly(A::POLNOMIAL,n::nonnegint,B::POLYNOMIAL)::POLYNOMIAL # diffrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL)::POLYNOMIAL # diffrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,x::{name,posint})::POLYNOMIAL # # gcdrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,B::POLYNOMIAL)::POLYNOMIAL # gcdrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,B::POLYNOMIAL,...)::POLYNOMIAL # lcmrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,B::POLYNOMIAL)::POLYNOMIAL # lcmrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,B::POLYNOMIAL,...)::POLYNOMIAL # resrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,B::POLYNOMIAL)::POLYNOMIAL # resrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,B::POLYNOMIAL,x::name)::POLYNOMIAL # resultant in x # subresrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,B::POLYNOMIAL)::POLYNOMIAL # subresultant prs # discrpoly(A::POLYOMIAL)::POLYNOMIAL # discriminant # discrpoly(A::POLYOMIAL,x::name)::POLYNOMIAL # discriminant # # contrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,X::{integer,name,list(name)},PP::name)::POLYNOMIAL # pprpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,X::{integer,name,list(name)},C::name)::POLYNOMIAL # icontrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,PP:name)::rational # ipprpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,C::name)::POLYNOMIAL # idenomrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL)::integer # # irredrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL)::boolean # # nrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL)::POLYNOMIAL # nrprpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,m::POLYNOMIAL) # nmirpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL)::POLYNOMIAL # randrpoly(R::POLYRING,N::nonnegint)::POLYNOMIAL # randffelem(R::POLYRING)::POLYNOMIAL # # evalrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,point::name={rational,POLYNOMIAL})::{rational,POLYNOMIAL} # evalrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,points::set(name={rational,POLYNOMIAL}))::{rational,POLYNOMIAL} # evalrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,points::list(name={rational,POLYNOMIAL}))::{rational,POLYNOMIAL} # interprpoly(U::list(POLYNOMIAL),M::{list(rational),list(POLYNOMIAL)},z::name)::POLYNOMIAL # ichremrpoly(U::list(POLYNOMIAL))::POLYNOMIAL # chremrpoly(U::list(POLYNOMIAL))::POLYNOMIAL # irrrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,(NB,DB)::nonnegint)::{FAIL,POLYNOMIAL} # rrrpoly((A,B)::POLYNOMIAL,(NB,DB)::nonnegint)::{FAIL,[POLYNOMIAL,POLYNOMIAL]} # # extrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,B::{name,POLYNOMIAL})::POLYNOMIAL # phirpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL,B::{integer,POLYNOMIAL})::POLYNOMIAL # phirpoly(A::POLYRING,B::{integer,POLYNOMIAL})::POLYRING # modrpoly is a synonym for phirpoly # liftrpoly(A::POLYRING)::POLYRING # liftrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL)::POLYNOMIAL # retextsrpoly(A::POLYRING)::POLYRING # retextsrpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL)::POLYNOMIAL # retcharpoly(A::POLYRING [,m::posint])::POLYRING # retcharpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL [,m::posint])::POLYNOMIAL # retvarpoly(A::POLYRING)::POLYRING # retvarpoly(A::POLYNOMIAL)::POLYNOMIAL # # linsolrpoly(A::matrix(POLYNOMIAL),b::vector(POLYNOMIAL))::{FAIL,vector(POLYNOMIAL)} # nullspacerpoly(A::matrix(POLYNOMIAL))::list(vector(POLYNOMIAL)) # rrefrpoly(A::matrix(POLYNOMIAL))::matrix(POLYNOMIAL) # reduced row Echelon form # # Suggested extensions for the data structure # 1: Encode a bit to imply whether Zp is represented in the symmetric or positive range # See modsrpoly and modprpoly below. # 2: Encode whether the extensions and the polynomial are irreducible, reducible or not known # So that we can decide what to do in PGCD and MGCD. # 3: Implement GF(2^k) using a bit vector and other small fields efficiently. # 4: Use as the representation for a polynomial f over char(0) # f = s * g where g is primitive over Z and s is in Q, i.e. factor # out the icontent. Then we can avoid arithmetic with fractions. # Polynomial multiplication is easy. Polynomial division is set up. # But polynomial + and - are tricky. Magma uses this to gain a factor # of over 100 in efficiency for polys over number fields. # # Questions about the generality of the data structure # # 1: Do we support Q(x) which would enable us to support arithmetic for algebraic functions # it would also permit rational reconstruction on whole polynomials with the result being # a polynomial over e.g. Zp(x) - rather than needing to do it coefficient by coefficient. # The logical data structure extension for this is # POLYNOMIAL( R, N, D ) where N is the numerator and D is the denominator. # NO: we can program rational reconstruction to clear the denominator. # 2: Do we support series? Taylor, Laurent, Puisseaux? How general do we go? # NO (Bruno - July/2000) it is not necessary as the only "series" like operation # that we need to be able to do is Taylor series and this can be done with # an algebraic extension of x^n which can be treated as a special case. # 3: The invrpoly(a) command accepts a POLYNOMIAL of rational but if the operation # is coming from Zm then invrpoly(a) returns 1/a not reduced mod m. # Should lcrpoly return a POLYNOMIAL([M,[],[]],a) or something like that ? # If so then tcrpoly, coeffrpoly, coeffsrpoly, etc. should do the same. # YES (Mike, Stephen, Oct 15/2001) (DONE) # 5: Should the ring encode the extensions as POLYNOMIALs rather than data. # Then the ring would be a valid structure and we could change # the underlying data representation for the polynomials without # having to change code. Routines like getalgext would be trivial. # E.g. we could put in modp1 polynomials or bit vectors into the # data without affecting some of the code. # NO: it's not necessary. # # Questions about the definition of operations # # 1: Should gcdrpoly return a result monic over Q or primitive over Z # E.g. what should gcdrpoly(4*x+2,4*x+2) return? # Over Z the GCD is 4*x+2. Over Q it is x+1/2 and the factor of 2 # is lost. Primitive over Z seems best, namely, 2*x+1. Ditto for # factorization routines. Note: ipprpoly(4*x+2) ==> 2*x+1 # YES (Mike, Janez - Oct 5/2000) (DONE) # 1' Should the data structure just factor out the denomination # i.e. represent 2*x^2+4/3 as [c,f] = [2/3,3*x^2+2] # YES: but this will be non-trivial to implement. # Rep of 3 in Q : POLYNOMIAL( [0,[],[]], c ) # Rep of -3*x+3*z/2 in Q[z]/ : # POLYNOMIAL( [M,[x,z],[3*z^2+2], -3/2, 2*x-z ) # POLYNOMIAL( [M,[x,z],[[2,0,3]], -3/2, [[0,-1],[2]] ) # # 2: What should invrpoly (and recinv) do when an inverse cannot be # computed? We are using the Euclidean algorithm to compute the # inverse of x which has quadratic algebraic time complexity. # If it hits a zero divisor this does not mean in general that x # is not invertible. The error generated also contains the # zero divisor that was encountered. # # 2' What is the output format for zero divisors? # The recinv routine generates the error # ERROR( "inverse does not exist", [M,N,E,Z] ); # where the variable info is not availabale. # E.g. the output might be [0, 1, [[-1, 0, 0, 1]], [-1, 1]] # which corresponds to M = 0, N = 1, E = [y^3-1], Z = y-1 # Decision: all userlevel level routines must output a POLYNOMIAL. # In this case # POLYNOMIAL( [0,[y],[[-1, 0, 0, 1]], [-1,1] ) = y-1 mod # They do this by instead of calling, e.g. recrem(...), they call # zerodivisor( recrem, [...], X ); # The zerodivisor routine calls recrem(...), traps the error from recinv # and converts [M,N,E,Z] to POLYNOMIAL(R,Z) where R = [M,X[-N..-1],E]. # Example: # # > f := rpoly(y-1,y,y^3-1); # 3 # f := (y - 1) mod # # > invrpoly(f); # Error, (in zerodivisor) inverse does not exist, POLYNOMIAL([0, [y], # [[-1, 0, 0, 1]]],[-1, 1]) # > lasterror[1]; # "inverse does not exist" # # > lasterror[2]; # 3 # (y - 1) mod # # 3: How do we tell ichremrpoly and phirpoly to use the positive # or symmetric range? # # 4: How to embed Zp in Zp^k. And how to reduce Zpq mod p. # The phirpoly command reduces Z to Zm and F[z] to F[z]/m(z) # The case Zm to Zp where m=p*q is now allowed. Use phirpoly(f,p). # The case Zp to Zm where m=p^k is not allows. It is a retration. # Use retcharpoly(f,m). The default retcharpoly(f) retracts to Q. # This retrations note costs O(1) time as the data rep is not changed. # # 5: What arithmetic routines should go in the kernel? # 6: What should lcrpoly (and coeffrpoly & tcrpoly) do if one askes # for a coefficient in an extension variable? An error? Or work anyway? # E.g. f := rpoly((2*z+1)*x+3*z+1,[x,z],z^2-2); # lcrpoly(f,1) yields rpoly(2*z+1,z,z^2-2) but # lcrpoly(f,2)? An error or 2 ? # # This file is consider the "base code" or "core facilities". # It is split into two sets, one set A which use op to access the # data structure, including also subroutines working directly # with the ring and polynomial components of the data structure # and another set B which does not use op or work with the # data structure directly, but uses routines from A and B. # # Principal Author: Michael Monagan, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006. # ########################################################################### # # Data structure dependent routines - i.e. depend on what op returns # ########################################################################### `type/POLYRING` := [nonnegint,list(name),list]: `type/POLYDATA` := {0,rational,list(POLYDATA)}: `type/POLYNOMIAL` := POLYNOMIAL(POLYRING,POLYDATA): getring := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL) option inline; op(1,a) end: getpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL) option inline; op(2,a) end: getchar := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL) option inline; op([1,1],a) end: getvars := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL) option inline; op([1,2],a) end: getexts := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL) option inline; op([1,3],a) end: iszerorpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL) option inline; evalb(op(2,a)=0) end: hassamering := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,b::POLYNOMIAL) option inline; evalb(op(1,a)=op(1,b)) end: isunivariate := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL) evalb(nops(getvars(a))-nops(getexts(a))=1) end: ismonomial := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL) local R,A,M,X,E,N; R,A := op(a); if A=0 then RETURN(false) fi; # by definition M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X)-nops(E); to N do if {0,op(1..-2,A)} <> {0} then RETURN(false) fi; A := A[-1]; od; true; end: isconstant := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL) local R,A,M,X,E,N; R,A := op(a); if A=0 then RETURN(true) fi; # by definition M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X)-nops(E); to N do if nops(A)>1 then RETURN(false) fi; A := A[1]; od; true; end: isretrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,S::POLYRING,b::name) local R,A,N; # #--> isretrpoly(a,S) or isretrpoly(a,S,'b'); # Given a in R = S[X]/F test if a is in S, which must be a subring of R. # If so, assign b (optional 2nd input) the value a retracted to be in S. # Example, given # f := rpoly(2*z,[x,z],z^2+1); ==> POLYNOMIAL([0,[x,z],[[1,0,1]],[[0,2]]) # Q := rring([],0); ==> [0, [], []] # G := rring(z^2+1,z); ==> [0,[z],[[1,0,1]]] # Then isretrpoly(f,Q); ==> false # But isretrpoly(f,G); ==> true # R,A := op(a); if not issubring(S,R) then ERROR("invalid input") fi; if A=0 then if nargs=3 then b := POLYNOMIAL(S,A); fi; RETURN(true); fi; N := nops(R[2])-nops(S[2]); to N do if nops(A)<>1 then RETURN(false) fi; A := A[1]; od; if nargs=3 then b := POLYNOMIAL(S,A) fi; true; end: issubring := proc(K::POLYRING,L::POLYRING) local N,M; if K[1]<>L[1] then RETURN(false) fi; N := nops(K[2]); if N>nops(L[2]) then RETURN(false) fi; if N>0 and K[2]<>L[2][-N..-1] then RETURN(false) fi; M := min(N,nops(L[3])); if M=0 then RETURN( evalb( K[3]=[] ) ) fi; if K[3] <> L[3][-M..-1] then RETURN(false) fi; true; #N := nops(K[3]); #if N>nops(L[3]) then RETURN(false) fi; #if N>0 and K[3]<>L[3][-N..-1] then RETURN(false) fi; #true; end: projring := proc(R::POLYRING) if nops(op(2,R))=0 then ERROR( "cannot project the constants" ) fi; if nops(op(2,R))=nops(op(3,R)) then subsop( [2,1]=NULL, [3,1]=NULL, R ) else subsop([2,1]=NULL,R) fi; end: `print/POLYNOMIAL` := proc(R,A) local M,X,E,display,ideal,i,dummy; # POLYNOMIAL([2,[x],[]],[x^2+1]) ==> x^2+1 mod 2 # POLYNOMIAL([0,[x,b,a],[]],[x-a*b+1]) ==> x-a*b+1 # POLYNOMIAL([0,[x,b,a],[b^2-a,a^3-2]],x-a*b+1) ==> x-a*b+1 mod # POLYNOMIAL([2,[x],[x^4+x+1]],[x^2+1]) ==> x^2+1 mod M,X,E := op(R); display := rpoly2maple(A,X); if E<>[] then ideal := NULL; for i from nops(E) by -1 to 1 do ideal := ideal, rpoly2maple(E[-i],X[-i..-1]); od; if M<>0 then ideal := ideal,M; fi; # This works for R5, R6, R7 and R8 display := subs( dummy=ideal, '`mod`'(display,'') ); else if M<>0 then display := '`mod`'(display,M) fi; fi; display end: `convert/POLYNOMIAL` := proc(A,X::{name,list(name),POLYRING}) local e,m,relations,opt,N,M,Y,E,R,rels,rofs,k,r,a,x; if op(0,A)=POLYNOMIAL then a := rpoly2maple(op(2,A),op(2,op(1,A))); if nargs=2 and X=RootOf then M,Y,E := op(op(1,A)); rofs := NULL; for k to nops(E) do r := rpoly2maple(E[-k],Y[-k..-1]); r := subs([rofs],r); r := RootOf(r,Y[-k]); if M>0 then r := r mod M fi; rofs := rofs, Y[-k]=r; od; a := subs([rofs],a); fi; RETURN(a); fi; if type(X,name) then RETURN(procname(A,[X],args[3..nargs])) fi; if type(X,POLYRING) then # X is a ringtype if a=0 then RETURN(POLYNOMIAL(X,a)) fi; M,Y,E := op(X); N := nops(Y)-nops(E); a := convert(A,POLYNOMIAL,Y); if M<>0 then a := phirpoly(a,M) fi; for k from nops(E) by -1 to 1 do m := POLYNOMIAL( [M,Y[N+k..-1],E[k+1..-1]], E[k] ); a := phirpoly(a,m); od; RETURN(a); fi; N := nops(X); M := 0; relations := {}; for opt in [args[3..nargs]] do if type(opt,nonnegint) then M := opt; elif type(opt,list) then relations := {op(opt)}; elif type(opt,name=RootOf) then relations := {opt}; elif type(opt,polynom(rational,X[-1])) then relations := {opt}; else ERROR("invalid optional arguments",opt) fi; od; rels := NULL; rofs := NULL; for k to nops(relations) do r := select(type,relations,identical(X[-k])=RootOf); relations := relations minus r; if nops(r)=1 then x,r := op(r[1]); rofs := rofs,r=x; r := subs([rofs],_Z=x,op(1,r)); # watch the order; _Z=x after [rofs] relations := relations union {r}; elif nops(r)>1 then ERROR("invalid relations") fi; r := select(type,relations,polynom(rational,X[-k..-1])); relations := relations minus r; if nops(r)=1 then r := maple2rpoly(r[1],X[-k..-1],k,[rels],M); r := POLYNOMIAL([M,X[-k..-1],[rels]],r); else ERROR("invalid relations (must be univariate)"); fi; # Check that r is a valid extension (non-constant, monic) if iszerorpoly(r) then ERROR("extension cannot be zero") fi; if isconstant(r) then ERROR("extension cannot be a constant") fi; # if not isretrpoly(lcrpoly(r),[M,[],[]]) then ERROR("extension must be monic") fi; r := ipprpoly(r); # Make it primitive over Z/Zm. rels := getpoly(r), rels; od; rels := [rels]; a := subs([rofs],A); if not type(a,polynom(rational,X)) then ERROR("unable to convert"); fi; a := maple2rpoly(a,X,N,rels,M); POLYNOMIAL([M,X,rels],a); end: `convert/POLYRING` := proc(A::POLYNOMIAL,R::POLYRING) local S; S := op(1,A); if S=R then RETURN(A) fi; convert( convert(A,POLYNOMIAL), POLYNOMIAL, R ); end: rpoly := eval(`convert/POLYNOMIAL`): rring := proc(R,x,f) local S,g; if type(R,POLYRING) and type(x,name) and nargs=2 then # create R[x] subsop(2=[x,op(R[2])],R); elif type(R,POLYRING) and type(x,list(name)) and nargs=2 then # create R[x] if nops(x)=0 then R; else subsop(2=[op(x),op(R[2])],R); fi; elif type(R,POLYRING) and type(x,POLYNOMIAL) and getring(x)=R then # create R/x phirpoly(R,x); elif type(R,POLYRING) and type(x,name) and nargs=3 and type(f,polynom(anything,x)) then S := rring(R,x); g := rpoly(f,S); g := phirpoly(rpoly(0,S),g); getring(g); elif type(R,POLYRING) and type(x,list(name)) and nargs=3 and type(f,list(polynom)) then if nops(x)=0 and nops(f)=0 then RETURN(R) fi; if nops(f)=0 then RETURN( rring(R,x) ) fi; S := rring(R,x[1],f[1]); rring(S,x[2..-1],f[2..-1]); elif not type(R,POLYRING) then g := rpoly(0,args); getring(g); else ERROR("invalid input"); fi; end: rpoly2maple := proc(A,X) local i,n; if A=0 or X=[] then RETURN(A) fi; # add( rpoly2maple(A[i],X[2..-1])*X[1]^(i-1), i=1..nops(A) ); n := nops(A); # use `+`(...) not add(...) so the constant is last in the output `+`( seq( rpoly2maple(A[-i],X[2..-1])*X[1]^(n-i), i=1..n ) ); end: maple2rpoly := proc(A,X,N,R,M) local i,T,rels,k; if N=0 then ASSERT(type(A,rational)); if M=0 then RETURN(A) else RETURN(A mod M) fi; fi; T := taylor(A,X[1],infinity); if T=0 then RETURN(0) fi; T := [seq( coeff(T,X[1],i), i=0..op(-1,T))]; if nops(R)=N then rels := R[2..-1] else rels := R fi; T := map( maple2rpoly,T,X[2..-1],N-1,rels,M ); for k from nops(T) to 1 by -1 while T[k]=0 do od; T := T[1..k]; if T=[] then RETURN(0) fi; if nops(R)=N then T := zerodivisor( recrem, [T,R[1],N,rels,M], X ); fi; T; end: monrpoly := proc(R::POLYRING,v::list(integer)) POLYNOMIAL(R,recmon(v)) end: recmon := proc(v) local A,i; A := 1; for i to nops(v) do A := [0$v[-i],A] od; A; end: consrpoly := proc(R::POLYRING,c::POLYNOMIAL) # Given c in S, S a subring of R coerce c to R local S,A,i; S := getring(c); if not issubring(S,R) then ERROR("constant must be in a subring of R") fi; A := getpoly(c); if A=0 then RETURN( POLYNOMIAL(R,0) ) fi; for i to nops(R[2]) - nops(S[2]) do A := [A] od; POLYNOMIAL(R,A); end: list2rpoly := proc(L::list(POLYNOMIAL),x::name) local c,R; R := {seq(getring(c),c=L)}; if nops(R)=1 then R := R[1] else ERROR("inconsistent types") fi; POLYNOMIAL( [R[1],[x,op(R[2])],R[3]], [seq(op(2,c),c=L)] ); end: makemainrpoly := proc(f::POLYNOMIAL,x::name) local i; # Let f in K[u,v,...,x,y,z,...], K a coefficient ring. # Put f in K[x,u,v,...,y,z,...], i.e. make x the main variable. list2rpoly( [seq( coeffrpoly(f,i,x), i=0..degrpoly(f,x) )], x ); end: degrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,x::{posint,name,list(name)}) local R,A,M,X,E,N,k,L,C,D; R,A := op(a); M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X); if nargs=1 then #if N>nops(E)+1 then ERROR("polynomials must be univariate") fi; if N<=nops(E) then ERROR("not a polynomial") fi; if A=0 then -infinity else nops(A)-1 fi; elif type(x,posint) then if x=1 then if A=0 then -infinity else nops(A)-1 fi; else max(recdeg(A,x)) fi; elif type(x,name) then if not member(x,X,'k') then ERROR("not a polynomial in this variable") fi; RETURN( degrpoly(a,k) ); else L := nops(x); if L>N or x<>X[1..L] then ERROR("invalid variables") fi; C := A; D := NULL; for k to L while C<>0 do D := D,nops(C)-1; C := C[-1] od; [D,-infinity$(L-k+1)] fi; end: recdeg := proc(A,N) local a; if A=0 then NULL elif N=1 then nops(A)-1 else max(seq(recdeg(a,N-1),a=A)) fi; end: ldegrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,x::{posint,name,list(name)}) local R,A,M,X,E,N,k,L,C,D; R,A := op(a); M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X); if nargs=1 then #if N>nops(E)+1 then ERROR("polynomials must be univariate") fi; if N<=nops(E) then ERROR("not a polynomial") fi; if A=0 then -infinity else min( recldeg( A, 1 ) ) fi; elif type(x,posint) then if x=1 then if A=0 then -infinity else min ( recldeg ( A, x ) ) fi; else min (recldeg(A,x)); fi; elif type(x,name) then if not member(x,X,'k') then ERROR("not a polynomial in this variable") fi; RETURN( ldegrpoly(a,k) ); else L := nops(x); if L>N or x<>X[1..L] then ERROR("invalid variables") fi; C := A; D := NULL; for k to L while C<>0 do D := D, min ( recldeg ( C, k ) ); C := C[1] od; [D,0$(L-k+1)] fi; end: recldeg := proc(A,N) local a, i, res; if A=0 then NULL elif N=1 then i := 1; while op(i,A) = 0 and i <= nops (A) do i := i + 1; od; RETURN ( i - 1 ) else min (seq(recldeg(a,N-1),a=A)) fi; end: tdegrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL) local R,A,M,X,E,N,D; R,A := op(a); M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X)-nops(E); if N=0 then ERROR("not a polynomial") fi; D := rectdeg(A,N); if D=-1 then -infinity else D fi; end: rectdeg := proc(A,N) local i; if A=0 then -1 elif N=1 then nops(A)-1 else max( seq( (i-1)+rectdeg(A[i],N-1), i=1..nops(A) ) ) fi end: shiftrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,n::{integer,list({integer,identical(-infinity)})}) local R,A,M,X,E,N; if type(n,integer) then RETURN(shiftrpoly(a,[n])) fi; R,A := op(a); M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X)-nops(E); if N0 then B := [0$N[1],op(A)]; elif N[1]<0 then if nops(A)>-N[1] and {op(1..-N[1],A)}={0} then B := A[1-N[1]..-1]; else ERROR("cannot shift") fi; else B := A; fi; if nops(N)=1 then B else map(recshift,B,N[2..-1]) fi; end: lcrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,Y::{nonnegint,name,list(name)}) local R,A,M,X,E,N,C,L; R,A := op(a); M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X); if nargs=1 then L := N-nops(E); elif type(Y,name) then if Y=X[1] then L := 1; else ERROR("invalid variable") fi; elif type(Y,list(name)) then L := nops(Y); if L>N or Y<>X[1..L] then ERROR("invalid variables") fi; else L := Y; if L>N then ERROR("invalid variables") fi; fi; C := A; to L while C<>0 do C := C[-1] od; if L+nops(E)>N then E := E[nops(E)+L-N+1..-1] fi; POLYNOMIAL([M,X[L+1..-1],E],C); end: redrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL) local R,A,M,X,E,i; R,A := op(a); if A=0 then RETURN(a) fi; M,X,E := op(R); A := A[1..-2]; for i from nops(A) by -1 to 1 while A[i]=0 do od; A := A[1..i]; if A=[] then A := 0 fi; POLYNOMIAL(R,A); end: ilcrpoly := proc(f) getpoly(lcrpoly(f,nops(getvars(f)))); end: itcrpoly := proc(f) getpoly(tcrpoly(f,nops(getvars(f)))); end: tcrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,Y::{nonnegint,name,list(name)}) local R,A,M,X,E,N,C,L,i; R,A := op(a); M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X); if nargs=1 then L := N-nops(E); elif type(Y,name) then if Y=X[1] then L := 1; else ERROR("invalid variable") fi; elif type(Y,list(name)) then L := nops(Y); if L>N or Y<>X[1..L] then ERROR("invalid variables") fi; else L := Y; if L>N then ERROR("invalid variables") fi; fi; C := A; to L while C<>0 do for i while C[i]=0 do od; C := C[i]; od; if L+nops(E)>N then E := E[nops(E)+L-N+1..-1] fi; POLYNOMIAL([M,X[L+1..-1],E],C); end: coeffrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,n::nonnegint,x::name) local R,A,M,X,E,N,C,p; R,A := op(a); M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X); if N<=nops(E) then ERROR("not a polynomial") fi; if nargs=2 then if A=0 or n+1>nops(A) then C := 0; else C := A[n+1]; fi; POLYNOMIAL([M,X[2..-1],E],C); else # coefficient in x if not member(x,X,'p') then ERROR("not a polynomial in",x) fi; if p>N-nops(E) then ERROR("not a polynomial in",x) fi; POLYNOMIAL([M,subsop(p=NULL,X),E],reccof(A,n,p)); fi; end: reccof := proc(A,n,N) local c,C,i; if A=0 then RETURN(0) fi; if N=1 then if n+1>nops(A) then RETURN(0) else RETURN(A[n+1]) fi; fi; C := [seq( reccof(c,n,N-1), c=A )]; for i from nops(C) by -1 to 1 while C[i]=0 do od; if i=0 then 0 elif i=nops(C) then C else C[1..i] fi; end: icoeffrpoly := proc() local c; c := getpoly(coeffrpoly(args)); if type(c,rational) then RETURN(c) fi; ERROR( "coefficient is not a rational constant" ); end: coeffsrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,Y::{nonnegint,name,list(name)}) local R,A,M,X,E,N,L; R,A := op(a); M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X); if nargs=1 then L := N-nops(E); elif type(Y,name) then L := 1; if X[1] <> Y then ERROR("invalid operation") fi; elif type(Y,list(name)) then L := nops(Y); if L>N or {op(Y)} <> {op(X[1..L])} then ERROR("invalid operation") fi; else L := Y; if L>N then ERROR("invalid operation") fi; fi; if L+nops(E)>N then E := E[nops(E)+L-N+1..-1] fi; R := [M,X[L+1..-1],E]; recofs(A,L,R) end: recofs := proc(A,L,R) local a; if A=0 then elif L=0 then POLYNOMIAL(R,A) else seq(recofs(a,L-1,R),a=A) fi end: addrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,b::POLYNOMIAL) local R,A,S,B,M,X,E,N,C; if nargs>2 then RETURN( addrpoly(addrpoly(a,b),args[3..nargs]) ) fi; R,A := op(a); S,B := op(b); if R<>S then ERROR("inconsisent rings") fi; M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X); C := recadd(A,B,N,M); POLYNOMIAL(R,C); end: subrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,b::POLYNOMIAL) local R,A,M,X,E,N,B,C; checkconsistency(a,b); R,A := op(a); M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X); B := op(2,b); #C := recsub(A,B,N,M); C := recadd(A,-B,N,M); POLYNOMIAL(R,C); end: negrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL) local R,A,M,X,E,N,C; R,A := op(a); M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X); C := recneg(A,N,M); POLYNOMIAL(R,C); end: recneg := proc(A,N,M) if M=0 then -A else -A mod M fi end: recadd := proc(A,B,N,M) local i,C,m,n; if N=0 then if M=0 then RETURN(A+B) else RETURN(A+B mod M) fi; fi; if A=0 then RETURN(B) fi; if B=0 then RETURN(A) fi; if speedupZpt then if N=1 and M<>0 then if RELEASE6 then C := modp1(ConvertOut(Add(ConvertIn(A,_Z),ConvertIn(B,_Z))),M); else C := modp1(ConvertOut(Add(ConvertIn(A),ConvertIn(B))),M); fi; if C=[] then RETURN(0) else RETURN(C) fi; fi; fi; m := nops(A); n := nops(B); if m>n then C := [seq(recadd(A[i],B[i],N-1,M),i=1..n),op(n+1..m,A)] elif m0 then if RELEASE6 then C := modp1(ConvertOut(Subtract(ConvertIn(A,_Z),ConvertIn(B,_Z))),M); else C := modp1(ConvertOut(Subtract(ConvertIn(A),ConvertIn(B))),M); fi; if C=[] then RETURN(0) else RETURN(C) fi; fi; fi; m := nops(A); n := nops(B); if m>n then C := [seq(recsub(A[i],B[i],N-1,M),i=1..n),op(n+1..m,A)] elif mnops(E) then ERROR("unable to compute inverse") fi; for n from 0 while N > nops(E) do if nops(A)>1 then ERROR("unable to compute inverse") fi; N,A := N-1,A[1]; od; i := zerodivisor( recinv, [A,N,E,M], X ); while n > 0 do n,i := n-1,[i] od; POLYNOMIAL( R, i ); end: #pinvrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL) #local R,A,M,X,E,N,i; # R,A := op(a); # M,X,E := op(R); # N := nops(X); # if N>nops(E) then ERROR("unable to compute inverse") fi; # if M=0 then i := precinv(A,N,E) else i := recinv(A,N,E,M); fi; # POLYNOMIAL(R,i); #end: zerodivisor := proc( F::procedure, A::list, X::list ) local M,N,E,R,Z; global Zer; # This routine calls the function F with input A. # If a zero divisor is encoutered, it will convert the raw # zero divisor error data into a POLYNOMIAL representation. # It needs the variables X to do this. Z := traperror( F(op(A)) ); if Z <> lasterror then RETURN(Z) fi; if type([Z],[identical("inverse does not exist"),list]) then # return zero divisor as part of the error message Z := op(2,[Z]); M,N,E,Z := op(Z); R := [M,X[-N..-1],E]; Zer:= POLYNOMIAL(R,Z); # zero divisor as a ring element ERROR("inverse does not exist",Zer); else ERROR(lasterror); fi; end: recinv := proc(a,N,E,M) # Uses the MONIC half extended Euclidean algorithm local i,g,r1,r2,s1,s2,s,t,q,minpoly,one,F; global lastzerodivisors; if a=0 then ERROR("division by zero") fi; if N=0 then if M=0 then RETURN(1/a) else RETURN(1/a mod M) fi; fi; minpoly := E[1]; F := E[2..-1]; if speedupZpt then if N=1 and M<>0 and F=[] then if RELEASE6 then g := modp1(ConvertOut(Gcdex(ConvertIn(a,_Z),ConvertIn(minpoly,_Z),'s')),M); else g := modp1(ConvertOut(Gcdex(ConvertIn(a),ConvertIn(minpoly),'s')),M); fi; if nops(g)>1 then ERROR("inverse does not exist",[M,N,E,g]) fi; RETURN(modp1(ConvertOut(s),M)); fi; fi; one := recmon([0$N]); if a=one then RETURN(a) fi; (r1,r2) := (a,minpoly); (s1,s2) := (one,0); i := recinv(r1[-1],N-1,F,M); (r1,s1) := scamul(i,r1,N,F,M),scamul(i,s1,N,F,M); while r2 <> 0 do i := recinv(r2[-1],N-1,F,M); (r2,s2) := scamul(i,r2,N,F,M),scamul(i,s2,N,F,M); (r1,r2) := r2,recrem(r1,r2,N,F,M,'q'); t := recmul(q,s2,N,F,M); #(s1,s2) := s2,recadd(s1,recneg(t,N,M),N,M); (s1,s2) := s2,recsub(s1,t,N,M); od; if nops(r1)>1 then ERROR("inverse does not exist",[M,N,E,r1]) fi; RETURN( s1 ); end: scafix := proc(X,Y) local m,n; # If n = |X| check that the last n entries of Y = X n := nops(X); m := nops(Y); evalb( n<=m and X = Y[m-n+1..m] ); end: scarpoly := proc(a::{rational,POLYNOMIAL},b::POLYNOMIAL) local R,A,M,X,E,N,B,Ra,Ma,Xa,Ea,Na; R,B := op(b); M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X); if type(a,rational) then if M=0 then RETURN( POLYNOMIAL(R,a*B) ) fi; A := a mod M; POLYNOMIAL(R,recsca(B,A,N,0,E,M)); else Ra,A := op(a); Ma,Xa,Ea := op(Ra); Na := nops(Xa); if M=Ma and scafix(Xa,X) and scafix(Ea,E) then POLYNOMIAL(R,recsca(B,A,N,Na,Ea,M)) else ERROR("scalar multiplication invalid"); fi; fi; end: recsca := proc(a,x,N,L,R,M) local A,k; if a=0 or x=0 then 0 #elif L=0 and M=0 then x*a # shortcut - let Maple do it elif N=L then recmul(a,x,N,R,M) elif N=1 and L=0 then # scalar times s list (mod M) if M>0 then A := x*a mod M else A := x*a fi; for k from nops(A) by -1 to 1 while A[k] = 0 do od; if k=0 then 0 else A[1..k] fi; else A := map(recsca,a,x,N-1,L,R,M); for k from nops(A) by -1 to 1 while A[k] = 0 do od; if k=0 then 0 else A[1..k] fi; fi; end: scamul := proc(x,a,N,E,M) local A,k; if a=0 or x=0 then RETURN(0) fi; if speedupZpt then if N=1 and M<>0 and E=[] then if RELEASE6 then A := modp1(ConvertOut(Multiply(ConvertIn([x mod M],_Z),ConvertIn(a,_Z))),M); else A := modp1(ConvertOut(Multiply(ConvertIn([x mod M]),ConvertIn(a))),M); fi; if A=[] then RETURN(0) else RETURN(A) fi; fi; fi; A := map(recmul,a,x,N-1,E,M); for k from nops(A) by -1 to 1 while A[k] = 0 do od; if k=0 then 0 else A[1..k] fi; end: checkconsistency := proc(a,b) if op(1,a) <> op(1,b) then ERROR("inconsistent types",a,b) fi; end: mulrpoly := proc(a::{rational,POLYNOMIAL},b::POLYNOMIAL) local R,A,M,X,E,N,B,C; if nargs>2 then RETURN( mulrpoly(mulrpoly(a,b),args[3..nargs]) ) fi; if type(a,rational) then RETURN( scarpoly(a,b) ) fi; R,A := op(a); if R <> op(1,b) then RETURN( scarpoly(a,b) ) fi; M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X); B := op(2,b); C := zerodivisor( recmul, [A,B,N,E,M], X ); POLYNOMIAL(R,C); end: powrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,n::integer) local m,b,s; if iszerorpoly(a) then if n=0 then ERROR("0^0 is undefined") else RETURN(a) fi; fi; if n>=0 then s := a; m := n; else s := invrpoly(a); m := -n; fi; if m=1 then RETURN(s) fi; if isconstant(a) then # use repeated multiplication b := rpoly(1,getring(a)); while m>0 do b := mulrpoly(s,b); m := m-1; od; b; else # use the square and multiply algorithm b := rpoly(1,getring(a)); while m>0 do if irem(m,2,'m')=1 then b := mulrpoly(b,s) fi; s := mulrpoly(s,s) od; b; fi; end: recmul := proc(A,B,N,E,M) local C,i,j,k,l,m,n,minpoly,R,s,x; if A=0 or B=0 then RETURN(0) fi; if N=0 then if M=0 then RETURN(A*B) else RETURN(A*B mod M) fi; fi; if speedupZpt then if not RELEASE6 then x := NULL fi; # compatibility with Release 5 if N=1 and M<>0 and nops(E)=0 then C := modp1(ConvertOut(Multiply(ConvertIn(A,x),ConvertIn(B,x))),M); if C=[] then RETURN(0) else RETURN(C) fi; fi; if N=1 and M<>0 and nops(E)=1 then C := modp1(ConvertOut( Rem(Multiply(ConvertIn(A,x),ConvertIn(B,x)),ConvertIn(E[1],x))),M); if C=[] then RETURN(0) else RETURN(C) fi; fi; if N=2 and M<>0 and nops(E)=1 then # Fq[x] RETURN(GFqMUL(A,B,E[1],M)); fi; fi; if nops(E)=N then minpoly := E[1]; C := recmul(A,B,N,E[2..-1],M); C := recrem(C,minpoly,N,E[2..-1],M); RETURN(C); fi; m := nops(A)-1; n := nops(B)-1; C := array(0..m+n); if nops(E)=N-1 and nops(E)>0 then R := E[2..-1] else R := E fi; for k from 0 to m+n do s := 0; j := min(k,n); i := k-j; if N=1 then # optimize for Q[x] if A=B then # optimize square case j := j+1; i := i+1; s := 2*add( A[i+l]*A[j-l], l=0..iquo(j-i+1,2)-1 ); if irem(k,2)=0 then s := s+A[iquo(k,2)+1]^2; fi; #j := j+1; #i := i+1; #while j>i do t := t+A[i]*A[j]; j := j-1; i := i+1; od; #s := s+2*t; #if j=i then s := s+A[i]^2; fi; else j := j+1; i := i+1; s := add( A[i+l]*B[j-l], l=0..min(j-1,m+1-i) ); #j := j+1; #while j > 0 and i <= m do # i := i+1; # s := s+A[i]*B[j]; # j := j-1; #od; fi; else if A=B then # optimize for the square case j := j+1; i := i+1; while j>i do s := recadd(s,recmul(A[i],A[j],N-1,R,M),N-1,M); i := i+1; j := j-1; od; #s := recsca(s,2,1,0,R,M); s := recsca(s,2,N-1,0,R,M); if i=j then # incorporate the square term s := recadd(s,recmul(A[i],A[j],N-1,R,M),N-1,M) fi; else j := j+1; while j > 0 and i <= m do i := i+1; s := recadd(s,recmul(A[i],B[j],N-1,R,M),N-1,M); j := j-1; od; fi; if nops(E)=N-1 and nops(E)>0 then s := recrem(s,E[1],N-1,R,M); fi; fi; C[k] := s; od; for k from m+n by -1 to 0 while C[k] = 0 do od; C := [seq(C[i],i=0..k)]; if C=[] then 0 else C fi; end: GFqMUL := proc(A,B,M,p) local da,db,dc,m,z,a,b,c,i,j,k,x,s,t; # This is univariate multiplication of A by B in R[x] where R = Fp[y]/, # that is, a finite ring (field) with one ring (field) extension over Fp. # Author: Michael Monagan, 2002. da := nops(A)-1; if da=0 then RETURN( recsca(B,A[1],2,1,[M],p) ) fi; db := nops(B)-1; if db=0 then RETURN( recsca(A,B[1],2,1,[M],p) ) fi; dc := da+db; if not RELEASE6 then x := NULL fi; # compatibility with Release 5 m := modp1(ConvertIn(M,x),p); # minimal polynomial z := modp1(Zero(x),p); # the zero polynomial if RELEASE6 then a := [seq( modp1(ConvertIn(t,x),p), t=A )]; b := [seq( modp1(ConvertIn(t,x),p), t=B )]; #c := Array(0..dc, [seq(z,i=0..dc)]); c := Array(0..dc); else a := [seq( modp1(ConvertIn(`if`(t=0,[],t),x),p), t=A )]; b := [seq( modp1(ConvertIn(`if`(t=0,[],t),x),p), t=B )]; #c := array(0..dc, [seq(z,i=0..dc)]); c := array(0..dc); fi; #for i from 0 to da do # for j from 0 to db do # c[i+j] := modp1( Add(c[i+j],Rem(Multiply(a[i+1],b[j+1]),m)), p ); # od; #od; #while dc>=0 and c[dc]=z do dc := dc-1 od; # drop leading zeroes #if dc<0 then 0 else subs([]=0,[seq(modp1(ConvertOut(c[i]),p),i=0..dc)]) fi; for k from 0 to dc do j := min(k,db); i := k-j; i,j := i+1,j+1; s := modp1( Multiply(a[i],b[j]), p ); j := j-1; while j > 0 and i <= da do i := i+1; s := modp1( Add(s,Multiply(a[i],b[j])), p ); j := j-1; od; c[k] := modp1( ConvertOut(Rem(s,m)), p ); od; while c[dc] = [] do dc := dc-1; od; if dc<0 then 0 else subs([]=0,[seq(c[i],i=0..dc)]) fi; end: remrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,b::POLYNOMIAL,q::name) local R,A,M,X,E,N,B,C,Q; checkconsistency(a,b); R,A := op(a); M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X); if N<>nops(E)+1 then ERROR("polynomials must be univariate") fi; B := op(2,b); if B=0 then ERROR("division by zero") fi; if nargs=2 then Q := NULL fi; C := zerodivisor( recrem, [A,B,N,E,M,Q], X ); if nargs=3 then q := POLYNOMIAL(R,Q) fi; POLYNOMIAL(R,C); end: quorpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,b::POLYNOMIAL,r::name) local R,A,M,X,E,N,B,C,Q; checkconsistency(a,b); R,A := op(a); M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X); if N<>nops(E)+1 then ERROR("polynomials must be univariate") fi; B := op(2,b); if B=0 then ERROR("division by zero") fi; C := zerodivisor( recrem, [A,B,N,E,M,'Q'], X ); if nargs=3 then r := POLYNOMIAL(R,C) fi; POLYNOMIAL(R,Q); end: # # For r := premrpoly(a,b,'m','q'); at the end of the algorithm we have # m a = b q + r and r=0 or deg(r)3 then q := rpoly(0,R); fi; # q is the psuedo-quotient if iszerorpoly(a) or degrpoly(a) < degrpoly(b) then if nargs>2 then multiplier := m; fi; if nargs>3 then pseudoquotient := q; fi; RETURN(p); fi; lb := lcrpoly(b,1); for n from 0 while not iszerorpoly(p) and degrpoly(p) >= degrpoly(b) do d := degrpoly(p)-degrpoly(b); t := scarpoly(lcrpoly(p,1),rpoly(x^d,R)); p := scarpoly(lb,p); p := subrpoly(p,mulrpoly(t,b)); if nargs>2 then m := mulrpoly(lb,m); fi; if nargs>3 then q := addrpoly(scarpoly(lb,q),t); fi; od; # We have (l^n)*a = b*q + p for some (unspecified) q. # The correct multiplier is l^d where d = deg(a)-deb(b) + 1. # Therefore the pseudo-remainder to return is l^(d-n) * p # And the correct pseudo-quotient to returned is l^(d-n) * q. d := degrpoly(a)-degrpoly(b)+1; t := powrpoly(lb,d-n); if nargs>2 then multiplier := mulrpoly(t,m); fi; if nargs>3 then pseudoquotient := scarpoly(t,q); fi; p := scarpoly(t,p); end: recrem := proc(a,b,N,E,M,quo) local m,n,r,i,d,q,j,temp,x; if a=0 then if nargs=6 then quo := 0 fi; RETURN(0) fi; m := nops(a)-1; n := nops(b)-1; if m0 then r := modp1(ConvertOut(Rem(ConvertIn(a,x),ConvertIn(b,x))),M); if r=[] then RETURN(0) else RETURN(r) fi; fi; if nargs=6 and N=1 and M<>0 then r := modp1(Rem(ConvertIn(a,x),ConvertIn(b,x),'q'),M); (r,q) := modp1(ConvertOut(r),M),modp1(ConvertOut(q),M); if q=[] then quo := 0 else quo := q fi; if r=[] then RETURN(0) else RETURN(r) fi; fi; if N=2 and nops(E)=1 and M<>0 then # Fq[x] RETURN( GFqREM(a,b,E[1],M,args[6..nargs]) ); fi; fi; if N=1 and M=0 then # optimize hard remainder r := array(0..m); for i from 0 to m do r[i] := a[i+1] od; i := 1/b[-1]; while m>=n do d := m-n; q := i*r[m]; r[m] := q; for j from n-1 by -1 to 0 do r[j+d] := r[j+d]-q*b[j+1]; od; for m from m-1 by -1 to 0 while r[m]=0 do od; od; else r := array(0..m,a); i := recinv(b[-1],N-1,E,M); while m>=n do d := m-n; q := recmul(i,r[m],N-1,E,M); r[m] := q; for j from n-1 by -1 to 0 do r[j+d] := recsub(r[j+d],recmul(q,b[j+1],N-1,E,M),N-1,M); od; for m from m-1 by -1 to 0 while r[m]=0 do od; od; fi; if nargs=6 then quo := [seq(r[j],j=n..nops(a)-1)] fi; r := [seq(r[j],j=0..m)]; if r = [] then 0 else r fi; end: GFqREM := proc(A,B,M,p,Q) local da,db,dq,dr,m,o,z,q,i,j,r,b,g,s,t,x; # This is univariate division of A by B in R[x] where R = Fp[y]/, # that is, a finite ring (field) with one ring (field) extension over Fp. # If M(y) is not irreducible over Fp then the algorithm may fail. # Then the output is an error "inverse does not exist" and the zero divisor. # Author: Michael Monagan, 2002, 2003. da := nops(A)-1; db := nops(B)-1; dq := da-db; if not RELEASE6 then x := NULL fi; # compatibility with Release 5 m := modp1(ConvertIn(M,x),p); # minimal polynomial z := modp1(Zero(x),p); # the zero polynomial o := modp1( One(x),p); # the one polynomial if RELEASE6 then if nargs=5 then q := Array(0..dq,[seq(z,i=0..dq)]); fi; r := Array( 0..da, [seq(modp1(ConvertIn(t,x),p),t=A)] ); b := Array( 0..db, [seq(modp1(ConvertIn(t,x),p),t=B)] ); else if nargs=5 then q := array(0..dq,[seq(z,i=0..dq)]); fi; r := array( 0..da, [seq(modp1(ConvertIn(`if`(t=0,[],t),x),p),t=A)] ); b := array( 0..db, [seq(modp1(ConvertIn(`if`(t=0,[],t),x),p),t=B)] ); fi; # invert lcoeff(b,x) s := b[db]; if s <> o then g := modp1(Gcdex(b[db],m,'s'),p); if g <> o then g := modp1(ConvertOut(g),p); ERROR("inverse does not exist",[p,1,[M],g]); fi; fi; dr := da; while dr>=db do t := r[dr]; if s<>o then t := modp1(Rem(Multiply(t,s),m),p) fi; if nargs=5 then q[dr-db] := t fi; r[dr] := z; (i,j) := (dr-1,db-1); while j>=0 do r[i] := modp1(Subtract(r[i],Rem(Multiply(t,b[j]),m)),p); (i,j) := (i-1,j-1); od; #while r[dr]=z and dr>0 do dr := dr-1; r[dr] := modp1(Rem(r[dr],m),p); od; #if r[dr]=z then dr := dr-1; fi; while dr>=0 and r[dr]=z do dr := dr-1 od; od; if nargs=5 then Q := subs([]=0,[seq(modp1(ConvertOut(q[i]),p),i=0..da-db)]) fi; if dr<0 then 0 else subs([]=0,[seq(modp1(ConvertOut(r[i]),p),i=0..dr)]) fi; end: gcdexrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,b::POLYNOMIAL) # Given a,b in F[x] find g, s, t in F[x] s.t. s*a + t*b = g = GCD(a,b). local R,A,M,X,E,N,B,G,S,T,Z; checkconsistency(a,b); R,A := op(a); M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X); B := op(2,b); if N>nops(E)+1 then ERROR("polynomials must be univariate") fi; if A=0 and B=0 then G,S,T := (0,0,0); else G,S,T := zerodivisor( recgcdex, [A,B,N,E,M], X ); fi; [POLYNOMIAL(R,G), POLYNOMIAL(R,S), POLYNOMIAL(R,T)]; end: recgcdex := proc(a,b,N,E,M) local r1,r2,s1,s2,t1,t2,one,tmp,i,q,g,s,t; # MONIC Extended Euclidean algorithm if a=0 then (r1,t1,s1) := recgcdex(b,a,N,E,M); RETURN(r1,s1,t1) fi; if speedupZpt then if N=1 and M<>0 then if RELEASE6 then g := modp1(Gcdex(ConvertIn(a,_Z),ConvertIn(b,_Z),'s','t'),M); else g := modp1(Gcdex(ConvertIn(a),ConvertIn(b),'s','t'),M); fi; RETURN(modp1(ConvertOut(g),M),modp1(ConvertOut(s),M),modp1(ConvertOut(t),M)); fi; fi; one := recmon([0$N]); (r1,r2) := (a,b); (s1,s2) := (one,0); (t1,t2) := (0,one); i := recinv(r1[-1],N-1,E,M); (r1,s1,t1) := (scamul(i,r1,N,E,M),scamul(i,s1,N,E,M),scamul(i,t1,N,E,M)); while r2 <> 0 do i := recinv(r2[-1],N-1,E,M); (r2,s2,t2) := (scamul(i,r2,N,E,M), scamul(i,s2,N,E,M), scamul(i,t2,N,E,M)); (r1,r2) := (r2,recrem(r1,r2,N,E,M,'q')); tmp := recmul(q,s2,N,E,M); #(s1,s2) := (s2, recadd(s1,recneg(tmp,N,M),N,M)); (s1,s2) := (s2, recsub(s1,tmp,N,M)); tmp := recmul(q,t2,N,E,M); #(t1,t2) := (t2, recadd(t1,recneg(tmp,N,M),N,M)); (t1,t2) := (t2, recsub(t1,tmp,N,M)); od; (r1,s1,t1); end: divrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,b::POLYNOMIAL,q::name) local R,A,M,X,E,N,Na,Rb,B,Mb,Xb,Eb,Nb,Q,consistent; R,A := op(a); M,X,E := op(R); Na := nops(X); Rb,B := op(b); Mb,Xb,Eb := op(Rb); Nb := nops(Xb); consistent := evalb( M=Mb and E=Eb and Nb<=Na and scafix(Xb,X) ); if not consistent then ERROR("inconsistent polynomial rings for division") fi; if B=0 then ERROR("division by zero") fi; if nargs=2 then Q := NULL; fi; if not zerodivisor( recdiv, [A,B,Na,Nb,E,M,Q], X ) then RETURN(false) fi; if nargs>2 then q := POLYNOMIAL(R,Q); fi; true end: recdiv := proc(A,B,Na,Nb,E,M,Q) local r,q,i,da,db,dr,t; if A=0 then if nargs=7 then Q := 0 fi; true; elif Na>Nb then if nargs=7 then q := array(1..nops(A),A); for i to nops(A) do if not recdiv(A[i],B,Na-1,Nb,E,M,evaln(q[i])) then RETURN(false) fi; od; Q := [seq(q[i],i=1..nops(A))]; true else for i to nops(A) do if not recdiv(A[i],B,Na-1,Nb,E,M) then RETURN(false) fi; od; true; fi; elif A=B then if nargs=7 then Q := recmon([0$Na]) fi; true; elif Na=nops(E)+1 then # division in Q[x], Q(alpha)[x], Zp[x] and GF(q)[x] evalb( recrem(A,B,Na,E,M,args[7..nargs]) = 0 ); elif Na=nops(E) then if nargs=7 then Q := recmul(recinv(B,Nb,E,M),A,Na,E,M) fi; true; elif nops(A)=db do #if not recdiv(r[dr+1],B[db+1],Na-1,Nb-1,E,M,'t') then RETURN(false) fi; #if nargs=7 then q[dr-db] := t fi; ##t := scamul(t,recmon([dr-db,0$(Na-1)]),Na,E,M); ##r := recsub(r,recmul(t,B,Na,E,M),Na,M); #r := recsub(r,recshift(recsca(B,t,Na,Na-1,E,M),[dr-db]),Na,M); #if r=0 then # if nargs=7 then Q := [seq(q[i],i=0..da-db)] fi; # RETURN(true); #fi; #dr := nops(r)-1; #od; while dr>=db do if not recdiv(r[dr],B[db+1],Na-1,Nb-1,E,M,'t') then RETURN(false) fi; if nargs=7 then q[dr-db] := t fi; # Compute r := r - t*x^(dr-db)*B overwriting r for i from 0 to db-1 do r[dr-db+i] := recsub(r[dr-db+i],recmul(t,B[i+1],Na-1,E,M),Na-1,M); od; dr := dr-1; while dr>=0 and r[dr]=0 do dr := dr-1 od; if dr=-1 then if nargs=7 then Q := [seq(q[i],i=0..da-db)] fi; RETURN(true); fi; od; false; fi; end: gcdrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,b::POLYNOMIAL) local R,A,M,X,E,N,B,G,Z,one; if nargs=1 then RETURN( ipprpoly(pprpoly(a)) ) fi; if nargs>2 then RETURN( gcdrpoly(gcdrpoly(a,b),args[3..nargs]) ) fi; checkconsistency(a,b); R,A := op(a); M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X); B := op(2,b); if N<>nops(E)+1 then ERROR("univariate only implemented") fi; if A=0 and B=0 then RETURN( POLYNOMIAL(R,0) ) fi; if A=0 then RETURN( ipprpoly(pprpoly(b)) ) fi; if B=0 then RETURN( ipprpoly(pprpoly(a)) ) fi; one := recmon([0$N]); if A=one then RETURN(a) fi; if B=one then RETURN(b) fi; if speedupZpt then if N=1 and M<>0 then if RELEASE6 then G := modp1(ConvertOut(Gcd(ConvertIn(A,_Z),ConvertIn(B,_Z))),M); RETURN( POLYNOMIAL(R,G) ); else G := modp1(ConvertOut(Gcd(ConvertIn(A),ConvertIn(B))),M); RETURN( POLYNOMIAL(R,G) ); fi; fi; if N=2 and M<>0 and nops(E)=1 then G := subs( []=0, zerodivisor( GFqGCD, [A,B,E[1],M], X ) ); RETURN( POLYNOMIAL(R,G) ); fi; fi; G := zerodivisor( recgcd, [A,B,N,E,M], X ); G := ipprpoly( POLYNOMIAL(R,G) ); end: resrpoly := proc(aa::POLYNOMIAL,bb::POLYNOMIAL,x::name) local R,A,M,X,E,N,B,F,a,b,c,d,e,da,db,r,dr,l; a,b := aa,bb; checkconsistency(a,b); if nargs=3 then # take the resultant in x a := makemainrpoly(a,x); b := makemainrpoly(b,x); RETURN( resrpoly(a,b) ); fi; R,A := op(a); M,X,E := op(R); B := op(2,b); N := nops(X); if N=nops(E) then ERROR("cannot take the resultant of two constants") fi; F := [M,X[2..-1],E]; if A=0 or B=0 then RETURN( POLYNOMIAL(F,0) ) fi; if speedupZpt then if N=1 and M<>0 then if RELEASE6 then r := modp1(Resultant(ConvertIn(A,_Z),ConvertIn(B,_Z)),M); else r := modp1(Resultant(ConvertIn(A),ConvertIn(B)),M); fi; RETURN( POLYNOMIAL(F,r) ); fi; fi; da := degrpoly(a); db := degrpoly(b); if N-nops(E)>1 then # multivariate polynomials # The following special cases just expand the determinant. if da=1 and db=1 then c,d := coeffrpoly(b,1),coeffrpoly(b,0); a,b := coeffrpoly(a,1), coeffrpoly(a,0); RETURN( subrpoly( mulrpoly(a,d), mulrpoly(b,c) ) ); fi; if da=1 and db=2 and iszerorpoly(coeffrpoly(b,1)) then c,e := coeffrpoly(b,2), coeffrpoly(b,0); a,b := coeffrpoly(a,1), coeffrpoly(a,0); RETURN( addrpoly( mulrpoly(c,b,b), mulrpoly(a,a,e) ) ); fi; if da=2 and db=1 and iszerorpoly(coeffrpoly(a,1)) then c,e := coeffrpoly(a,2), coeffrpoly(a,0); a,b := coeffrpoly(b,1), coeffrpoly(b,0); RETURN( addrpoly( mulrpoly(c,b,b), mulrpoly(a,a,e) ) ); fi; if da=2 and db=3 and iszerorpoly(coeffrpoly(b,2)) and iszerorpoly(coeffrpoly(b,1)) then d,e := coeffrpoly(b,3),coeffrpoly(b,0); a,b,c := coeffrpoly(a,2),coeffrpoly(a,1),coeffrpoly(a,0); RETURN( addrpoly( mulrpoly(a,a,a,e,e), mulrpoly(3,a,e,d,b,c), mulrpoly(-1,d,b,b,b,e), mulrpoly(d,d,c,c,c) ) ); fi; RETURN( subresrpoly(aa,bb) ); fi; R := convert(1,POLYNOMIAL,F); while db > 0 do l := lcrpoly(b); r := remrpoly(a,b); dr := degrpoly(r); if dr = -infinity then RETURN( convert(0,POLYNOMIAL,F) ); fi; R := mulrpoly(R,powrpoly(l,da-dr)); if irem( da*db, 2 ) = 1 then R := negrpoly(R) fi; a,b := b,r; da,db := db,dr; od; l := lcrpoly(b); R := mulrpoly( R, powrpoly(l,da) ); end: discrpoly := proc(f::POLYNOMIAL,x::name) if nargs=2 then RETURN( discrpoly(makemainrpoly(f,x)) ) fi; resrpoly(f,diffrpoly(f)); end: subresrpoly := proc(p,q,last) local d,u,v,r,g,h,du,dv,R,M,X,E,s; u := p; du := degrpoly(u); v := q; dv := degrpoly(v); if du 0 do d := du-dv; s := s*(-1)^(du*dv); u,v := v,premrpoly(u,v); du,dv := dv,degrpoly(v); if d>0 then if not divrpoly(v,mulrpoly(g,powrpoly(h,d)),'v') then print(division,FAIL); fi; fi; g := coeffrpoly(u,du); if d>0 then divrpoly(powrpoly(g,d),powrpoly(h,d-1),'h'); fi; od; if nargs=3 and last then RETURN(u) fi; v := coeffrpoly(v,0); # drop x from the ring divrpoly(powrpoly(v,du),powrpoly(h,du-1),'r'); if s=-1 then r := negrpoly(r); fi; r end: #recgcd := proc(A,B,N,E,M) ## This is the monic Euclidean algorithm for R[x] #local i,r1,r2,q,g; # i := recinv(A[-1],N-1,E,M); # r1 := scamul(i,A,N,E,M); # r2 := B; # while r2<>0 do # i := recinv(r2[-1],N-1,E,M); # r2 := scamul(i,r2,N,E,M); # r1,r2 := r2,recrem(r1,r2,N,E,M); # od; # r1; #end: recgcd := proc(A,B,N,E,M) # This is the monic Euclidean algorithm for R[x] coded to run "inplace", # i.e., the two polynomials are represented as two arrays of coefficients # and the remainder of A and B is computed "inline" and "inplace" in A. # NOTE: R may not necessarilly be a field. For example, if we are # computing a GCD in Q(i)/[x] where i = sqrt(-1), using the modular algorithm, # then if the prime p chosen is p = 9967, then since z^2+1 is irreducible # modulo this prime, we would be computing over a finite field. However # if p = 9973 then y^2+1 = (y+2798) (y+7175) hence y+2798 for example, # is not invertible. If in the monic Euclidean algorithm the leading # coefficient of any remainder is not invertible, an error will be generated. # The error can be trapped and this prime can then be skipped. # However, if the monic Euclidean algorithm does succeed, the value returned # is the unique GCD of A and B. The correctness of this statement # assumes that the GCD computed does not shortcut the termination of the # algorithm by, for example, if a remainder is a constant concluding that # the GCD must be 1. This is not necessarilly true. If a remainder is # a constant, we must test if it is invertible. # Author: Michael Monagan, 2000. local i,k,m,n,a,b,g,one; if A=0 or B=0 then ERROR("recgcd may not be called with 0") fi; one := recmon([0$(N-1)]); m,n := nops(A),nops(B); a,b := array(1..m,A),array(1..n,B); if m0 do i := recinv(b[n],N-1,E,M); b[n] := one; for k to n-1 do b[k] := recmul(i,b[k],N-1,E,M) od; for k to n-1 do a[m-n+k] := recsub(a[m-n+k],b[k],N-1,M) od; m := m-1; while m>0 and a[m]=0 do m := m-1 od; while m>=n do for k to n-1 do a[m-n+k] := recsub(a[m-n+k],recmul(a[m],b[k],N-1,E,M),N-1,M) od; m := m-1; while m>0 and a[m]=0 do m := m-1 od; od; m,n := n,m; userinfo(2,gcdrpoly,Degrees(m-1,n-1)); a,b := eval(b),eval(a); od; g := [seq(a[k],k=1..m)]; end: GFqGCD := proc(A,B,M,p) # This is the monic Euclidean algorithm for R[x] where R = Fp[y]/, # that is, a finite ring (field) with one ring (field) extension over Fp. # If M(y) is not irreducible over Fp then the algorithm may fail. # If this happens the output is an error and the zero divisor encountered. # Author: Michael Monagan, 2002. local i,k,m,n,a,b,g,one,zero,t,mp,x; if A=0 or B=0 then ERROR("GFqGCD may not be called with 0") fi; if not RELEASE6 then x := NULL fi; # compatibility with Release 5 one := modp1(One(x),p); zero := modp1(Zero(x),p); mp := modp1(ConvertIn(M,x),p); m,n := nops(A),nops(B); if RELEASE6 then a := Array(1..m,[seq(modp1(ConvertIn(t,x),p),t=A)]); b := Array(1..n,[seq(modp1(ConvertIn(t,x),p),t=B)]); else a := array(1..m,[seq(modp1(ConvertIn(`if`(t=0,[],t),x),p),t=A)]); b := array(1..n,[seq(modp1(ConvertIn(`if`(t=0,[],t),x),p),t=B)]); fi; if m one then g := modp1(ConvertOut(g),p); ERROR( "inverse does not exist", [p,1,[M],g] ) fi; a[m] := one; for k to m-1 do a[k] := modp1(Rem(Multiply(i,a[k]),mp),p) od; while n>0 do g := modp1(Gcdex(b[n],mp,'i'),p); if g <> one then g := modp1(ConvertOut(g),p); ERROR( "inverse does not exist", [p,1,[M],g] ) fi; b[n] := one; for k to n-1 do b[k] := modp1(Rem(Multiply(i,b[k]),mp),p) od; for k to n-1 do a[m-n+k] := modp1(Subtract(a[m-n+k],b[k]),p) od; m := m-1; while m>0 and a[m]=zero do m := m-1 od; while m>=n do for k to n-1 do a[m-n+k] := modp1(Subtract(a[m-n+k],Rem(Multiply(a[m],b[k]),mp)),p) od; m := m-1; while m>0 and a[m]=zero do m := m-1 od; od; m,n := n,m; a,b := eval(b),eval(a); od; g := [seq(modp1(ConvertOut(a[k]),p),k=1..m)]; end: evalrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL, point::{name={POLYNOMIAL,rational},set(name={POLYNOMIAL,rational}), list(name={POLYNOMIAL,rational})}) #--> evalrpoly(a(x),x=alpha) means evaluate the polynomial a(x) at the # point x=alpha where alpha is an element of a subfield(ring) of the # field(ring) generated by E not containing x. Similarly #--> evalrpoly(a(x,y),{x=alpha,y=beta}) means evaluate the polynomial a(x,y) # at x=alpha,y=beta where ... # For example, consider the polynomial a(x,y,z) mod . # One may evaluate at x=alpha where alpha can be in Z/ or Z[z]/ # or Z[y,z]/. On may evaluate at y=beta where beta must be # in either Z/ or Z[z]/. One may also evaluate z in Z/. # The input value for Z/ is a rational which is converted to Z/. # The input value for Z[z]/ and Z[y,z]/ must be a POLYNOMIAL local R,A,M,X,N,E,F,K,x,alpha,L,B,Ralpha,Malpha,Xalpha,Ealpha,i,d; R,A := op(a); M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X); if type(point,{set,list}) then # evaluate bottom to top A := a; for i to N do x := X[-i]; alpha := subs(point,x); if alpha=x then next fi; A := evalrpoly(A,x=alpha); od; RETURN(A); fi; x,alpha := op(point); if not member(x,X,'L') then ERROR("input is not a polynomial in",x) fi; if type(alpha,rational) then K := 0; F := []; if M<>0 then alpha := modp(alpha,M); fi; else # check that alpha is an element of a subfield of E Ralpha,alpha := op(alpha); Malpha,Xalpha,Ealpha := op(Ralpha); K := nops(Xalpha); if K=0 then F := []; else F := E[-K..-1]; fi; # scafix here too if M=Malpha and K<=N-L and scafix(Xalpha,X) and scafix(Ealpha,E) then else ERROR("invalid evaluation point",point); fi; fi; B := receval(A,N-L+1,N,alpha,K,F,M); if N=1 then RETURN(B) fi; X := subsop(L=NULL,X); for i from N-L+2 to nops(E) do # evaluate extensions dependant on x d := nops(E[-i]); E[-i] := receval(E[-i],N-L+1,i,alpha,K,F,M); if nops(E[-i])N-nops(E) then E := subsop(-(N-L+1)=NULL,E) fi; POLYNOMIAL([M,X,E],B); end: receval := proc(A,L,N,alpha,K,E,M) # N is the number of variables in A # L is the index of the variable being evaluated (L <= N) # K is the number of variables in alpha local a,m,n,k,s,S,B,x; if A=0 then 0 elif N=L then if speedupZpt then if not RELEASE6 then x := NULL fi; if nops(E)=0 and M>0 and N=1 then # K = 0 RETURN(modp1(Eval(ConvertIn(A,x),alpha),M)) fi; if nops(E)=1 and M>0 and N=2 and K=1 then if alpha=0 then RETURN(A[1]) fi; n := nops(A); a := modp1(ConvertIn(alpha,x),M); m := modp1(ConvertIn(E[1],x),M); s := modp1(ConvertIn(A[n],x),M); for k from n-1 by -1 to 1 do s := modp1(Rem(Multiply(s,a),m),M); if A[k]<>0 then s := modp1(Add(s,ConvertIn(A[k],x)),M); fi; od; s := modp1(ConvertOut(s),M); if s=[] then RETURN(0) else RETURN(s) fi; fi; fi; if alpha=0 then RETURN(A[1]) fi; n := nops(A); S := A[n]; for k from n-1 by -1 to 1 do S := recsca(S,alpha,N-1,K,E,M); S := recadd(S,A[k],N-1,M); od; S; else #if nops(E)=0 and N=2 and M>0 and L=1 and K=0 then # B := [seq( modp1(ConvertIn(B,_Z),M), B=A )]; # B := modp1( ConvertOut(Eval(B,alpha)), M ); # if B=[] then B := 0 fi; # RETURN(B); #fi; B := [seq(receval(a,L,N-1,alpha,K,E,M),a=A)]; k := nops(B); while k>0 and B[k]=0 do k := k-1 od; if k=0 then 0 else B[1..k] fi; fi; end: phirpoly := proc(a::{POLYNOMIAL,POLYRING},m::{POLYNOMIAL,nonnegint}) # Compute a mod m where the modulus m can be a polynomial or an integer # Case m::integer and M>0 is allowed provided m|M. # Case m::integer and M>0 and M|m should be done by retcharpoly. local R,A,M,X,E,N,rels,i,r,Rm,Am,Mm,Xm,Em,B; if nargs>2 then return phirpoly(phirpoly(a,m),args[3..nargs]); fi; if type(a,POLYRING) then RETURN( getring(phirpoly(POLYNOMIAL(a,0),m)) ); fi; R,A := op(a); M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X); if type(m,integer) then if M=0 or irem(M,m)=0 then # reduce also the algebraic extensions and ensure no loss of degree rels := NULL; for i from 1 to nops(E) do r := recphi(E[-i],m,i,0,E,0); if r=0 or nops(r) 1 then ERROR("modulus must be univariate") fi; if Am=0 then ERROR("modulus must be non-zero") fi; #r := Am[-1]; #for i to nops(Xm)-1 do # if nops(r)>1 then ERROR("modulus must be monic") fi; # r := r[1]; #od; if Mm <> M or Em <> E or Xm <> X[-nops(Xm)..-1] then ERROR("unable to map") fi; B := zerodivisor( recphi, [A,Am,N-nops(Xm),nops(Xm),E,M], X ); POLYNOMIAL([M,X,[Am,op(E)]],B) fi; end: modrpoly := eval(phirpoly): recphi := proc(A,m,L,N,R,M) local B,k; if A=0 then 0 elif L=0 then if type(m,integer) then A mod m else recrem(A,m,N,R,M) fi; else if L=1 and type(m,integer) then B := modp(A,m); else B := map(recphi,A,m,L-1,N,R,M); fi; k := nops(B); while k>0 and B[k]=0 do k := k-1 od; if k=0 then 0 else B[1..k] fi; fi; end: liftrpoly := proc(R::{POLYNOMIAL,POLYRING}) # drop the last algebraic extension or the modulus local M,X,E; if type(R,POLYNOMIAL) then RETURN( POLYNOMIAL(liftrpoly(getring(R)),getpoly(R)) ) fi; M,X,E := op(R); if nops(E)>0 then E := E[2..-1]; else M := 0; fi; [M,X,E]; end: retcharpoly := proc(a::{POLYNOMIAL,POLYRING},m::posint) # Retract from characteristic p to characteristic m (default 0) if nargs=1 then if type(a,POLYRING) then RETURN( subsop( 1=0, a ) ) fi; POLYNOMIAL( retcharpoly(getring(a)), getpoly(a) ); elif type(a,POLYRING) then if a[1]=0 or irem(m,a[1])<>0 then ERROR("invalid operation") fi; subsop(1=m,a); else POLYNOMIAL( retcharpoly(getring(a),m), getpoly(a) ); fi; end: retextsrpoly := proc(a::{POLYNOMIAL,POLYRING}) # Retract all algebraic extensions if type(a,POLYRING) then RETURN( subsop( 3=[], a ) ) fi; POLYNOMIAL( retextsrpoly(getring(a)), getpoly(a) ); end: retvarpoly := proc(a::{POLYNOMIAL,POLYRING}) # Let a be in R[x] or R[x]/ with deg[x](a)=0. Retract a to be in R. local R,A,M,X,E,N; if type(a,POLYNOMIAL) then R,A := op(a); else R := a; fi; M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X); if N=0 then ERROR("input cannot be Zn or Q") fi; if assigned(A) and nops(A)>1 then ERROR("input must be a constant") fi; X := X[2..-1]; if N=nops(E) then E := E[2..-1] fi; R := [M,X,E]; if assigned(A) then POLYNOMIAL(R,A[1]); else R fi; end: # Let a be in Q[alpha,beta]/[x,y,z] then # Then a = POLYNOMIAL( [M=0,X=[x,y,z,beta,alpha],E=[m1,m2]], ... ) #--> getalgext(a) gets m1(beta,alpha) the main extension #--> getalgext(a,1) gets m1(beta,alpha) (the first extension) #--> getalgext(a,2) gets m2(alpha) #--> getalgext(a,-2) gets m1(beta,alpha) #--> getalgext(a,-1) gets m2(alpha) (the last extension) getalgext := proc(a::{POLYNOMIAL,POLYRING},n::integer) local R,A,M,X,E; if nargs=1 then # make this case fast if type(a,list) then R := a; else R := getring(a); fi; M,X,E := op(R); X := X[nops(X)-nops(E)+1..-1]; else R := getcofring(args); M,X,E := op(R); fi; if E = [] then ERROR("no extensions") fi; POLYNOMIAL( [M,X,E[2..-1]], E[1] ); end: getalgexts := proc(a::{POLYNOMIAL,POLYRING}) local R,A,M,X,E,N,i; if type(a,POLYRING) then R := a; else R := getring(a) fi; M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(E); [seq( getalgext(a,N-i), i=0..N-1 )]; end: getcofring := proc(a::{POLYNOMIAL,POLYRING},n::integer) local R,M,X,E,N,Y; if type(a,list) then R := a else R := op(1,a) fi; M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(E); Y := X[nops(X)-N+1..-1]; if nargs=1 then RETURN( [M,Y,E] ) fi; if n=0 or n=N+1 then RETURN( [M,[],[]] ) fi; if n>0 then if n>N then ERROR("extension index out of range") fi; [M,Y[n..-1],E[n..-1]]; else # n<0 then use negative indexing if n<-N then ERROR("extension index out of range") fi; [M,Y[n..-1],E[N+n+1..-1]]; fi; end: getpolvars := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL) local R,M,X,E,N; R := op(1,a); M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(E); X[1..-N-1]; end: extrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,b::{name,POLYNOMIAL}) # Let a be in F[x1,x2,...,xn]. # If b = y, a variable, put a in F[x1,x2,...,y]. # If b is in in F[y] then extrpoly(a,b) == phirpoly(extrpoly(a,x),b) local R,A,M,X,E,N,B,Rb,Mb,Xb,Eb,Nb,x,n; R,A := op(a); M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X); if type(b,name) then x := b; n := nops(E); R := [ M, [op(1..N-n,X),x,op(N-n+1..N,X)], E ]; A := recext(A,N-n); POLYNOMIAL(R,A); else Rb,B := op(b); if B=0 or nops(B)=1 then ERROR("invalid extension") fi; Mb,Xb,Eb := op(Rb); Nb := nops(Xb); x := Xb[1]; n := nops(E); if M=Mb and scafix(Xb[2..-1],X) and Eb=E and not member(x,X) then R := [ M, [op(1..N-n,X),op(Xb)], [B,op(E)] ]; A := recext(A,N-n); POLYNOMIAL(R,A); else error "inputs have incompatible rings"; fi; fi end: recext := proc(A,L) if A=0 then 0 elif L=0 then [A] else map(recext,A,L-1) fi; end: # #--> maprpoly(f,a,n) # # Map the function f onto the coefficients of the polynomial a. # Note, it is assumed that f(0) = 0. # By default map onto the coefficient field implied by E the extensions in a. # Otherwise, if n is specified, map n levels down before applying f # maprpoly := proc(f,a::POLYNOMIAL,N::nonnegint) local R,A,M,X,E; R,A := op(a); M,X,E := op(R); if nargs=3 then A := recmap(f,A,N) else A := recmap(f,A,nops(X)-nops(E)) fi; POLYNOMIAL(R,A); end: recmap := proc(f,A,n) if A=0 then A # assumes f(0) = 0 elif n=0 then f(A) else map2(recmap,f,A,n-1) fi end: interprpoly := proc(g::list(POLYNOMIAL),alpha::{list(rational),list(POLYNOMIAL)},z::name) local R,A,M,X,E,N,C,u,ALPHA,m,i,Mb,B,Xb,Eb,one,n; R := map( g -> op(1,g), {op(g)} ); if nops(R) <> 1 then ERROR("polynomials must be over the same ring") fi; R,A := op(g[1]); M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(R); if type(alpha,list(rational)) then if M=0 then ALPHA := alpha else ALPHA := modp(alpha,M) fi; if E<>[] then # allow points in ground field in Maple format n := nops(E); to n do ALPHA := [seq( [u], u=ALPHA )]; od; R := [M,X[nops(X)-n+1..-1],E]; C := [seq( POLYNOMIAL(R,u), u=ALPHA )]; return interprpoly(g,C,z); fi; R := [M,[z],E]; if M=0 then ALPHA := -ALPHA else ALPHA := modp(-ALPHA,M) fi; m := [seq( POLYNOMIAL(R,[u,1]), u=ALPHA )]; else R := map( a -> op(1,a), {op(alpha)} ); if nops(R) <> 1 then ERROR("moduli must be over the same ring") fi; R,B := op(alpha[1]); Mb,Xb,Eb := op(R); if Mb=M and nops(Xb)=0 and nops(E)>0 then # allow points in ground field in rpoly format ALPHA := [seq( op(2,u), u=alpha )]; # strip off POLYNOMIAL return( interprpoly(g,ALPHA,z) ); fi; if Mb<>M or Eb<>E or not scafix(Xb,X) then ERROR("incompatible moduli") fi; one := monrpoly(R,[0$nops(Xb)]); R := [M,[z,op(Xb)],E]; m := map( a -> POLYNOMIAL(R,[op(2,scarpoly(-1,a)),op(2,one)]), alpha ); fi; u := [seq( extrpoly(g[i],m[i]), i=1..nops(g) )]; liftrpoly( chremrpoly(u) ); end: ichremrpoly := proc(U::list(POLYNOMIAL)) local M,X,E,u,m; if nops(U)=0 then ERROR("at least one image expected") fi; M := [seq(getchar(u),u=U)]; if has(M,0) then ERROR("polynomials cannot be input over the rationals"); fi; X := {seq(getvars(u),u=U)}; if nops(X)>1 then ERROR("images must be in the same variables") fi; E := {seq(getexts(u),u=U)}; if E <> {[]} then ERROR("no extensions are allowed") fi; u,m := recichrem(U,M); u end: recichrem := proc(u::list(POLYNOMIAL),m::list(integer)) local R,A,M,X,E,n,u1,u2,m1,m2,m1m2,v0,v1,a,b,x; n := nops(u); if n=1 then RETURN(u[1],m[1]) fi; u1,m1 := recichrem(u[1..n-1],m[1..n-1]); u2,m2 := u[n],m[n]; # This is the divide and conquer approach # l := iquo(n,2); # u1,m1 := chremrpoly(u[1..l],m[1..l]); # u2,m2 := chremrpoly(u[l+1..n],m[l+1..n]); v0 := u1; # all this to compute v1 v0 := liftrpoly(v0); u2 := liftrpoly(u2); # now v0 and u2 are over the same ring a := subrpoly(u2,v0); # so we can subtract them over Z b := 1/m1 mod m2; #inverse of m1 mod m2 #v1 := scarpoly(b,a); #v1 := liftrpoly(phirpoly(v1,m2)); #v1 := addrpoly(v0,scarpoly(m1,v1)); #m1m2 := m1*m2; #RETURN(phirpoly(v1,m1m2), m1m2); v1 := addrpoly(v0,maprpoly(x -> modp(b*x,m2)*m1, a)); m1m2 := m1*m2; RETURN(subsop([1,1]=m1m2,v1),m1m2); end: irrrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,gamma::integer) local R,A,M,X,E,N,B,C,G,L; global last_monomial; R,A := op(a); M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X); if M=0 then ERROR("polynomial must be over the integers modulo n") fi; if M=2 then ERROR("cannot do rational reconstruction modulo 2") fi; B := isqrt(iquo(M,4)); C := iquo(B,8); # trivially satisfies 2 B C < M if C=0 then RETURN(FAIL) fi; if nargs=2 then G := gamma else G := 0 fi; # If last_monomial = [3,1,2] say then irrrpoly last failed on # a polynomial f on the coefficient op([3,1,2],getpoly(f)); # The idea is to start working on that coefficient and cycle round. if assigned(last_monomial) and nops(last_monomial)=N then L := last_monomial else L := [1$N] fi; last_monomial := []; A := recirrr(A,N,M,B,C,G,L); if A=FAIL then RETURN(FAIL) fi; POLYNOMIAL([0,X,E],A) end: macro(iratrecon=readlib(iratrecon)): recirrr := proc(A,N,M,B,C,G,L) local a,r,i,m,n,d; global last_monomial; if A=0 then 0 elif N>0 then # map(recirrr,A,N-1,M,B,C,G); # NB: here, map is running over the coefficients of A of # least degree to greatest degree which is exactly what we want # because the trailing coefficient is likely to be larger # and hence rational reconstruction can fail earlier m := nops(A); if L[N] > m then i := 1; else i := L[N] fi; # start position to m do r := recirrr(A[i],N-1,M,B,C,G,L); if r=FAIL then last_monomial := [op(last_monomial),i]; RETURN(FAIL); fi; a[i] := r; i := i+1; if i>m then i := 1; fi; od; RETURN([seq(a[i],i=1..m)]); else if iratrecon(A,M,B,C,'n','d') and irem(G,d)=0 then n/d else FAIL fi; fi end: macro(iratrecon=iratrecon): rrrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,b::POLYNOMIAL,NB::nonnegint,DB::nonnegint) # Given a,b in F[x] find n,d in F[x] s.t. n/d == a(x) mod b(x). # Such n/d exists and is unique if GCD(n,d)=1 and degree(n)+degree(d)nops(E)+1 then ERROR("polynomials must be univariate") fi; if B=0 then ERROR("division by zero") fi; if not (NB+DB=nops(b) then RETURN( recrr(recrem(a,b,N,E,M),b,args[3..nargs]) ) fi; # Note that the algorithm starts with deg(r1) < deg(r2) # Note this is the MONIC half extended Euclidean algorithm (r1,r2) := (a,b); (s1,s2) := (one,0); i := recinv(r1[-1],N-1,E,M); (r1,s1) := scamul(i,r1,N,E,M),scamul(i,s1,N,E,M); notfound := true; while r2 <> 0 do i := recinv(r2[-1],N-1,E,M); (r2,s2) := scamul(i,r2,N,E,M),scamul(i,s2,N,E,M); (r1,r2) := r2,recrem(r1,r2,N,E,M,'q'); if notfound then t := recmul(q,s2,N,E,M); #(s1,s2) := s2,recadd(s1,recneg(t,N,M),N,M); (s1,s2) := s2,recsub(s1,t,N,M); fi; if notfound and nops(r1)-1<=NB then if nops(s1)-1>DB then RETURN(FAIL) fi; (n,d) := (r1,s1); notfound := false; fi; od; if nops(r1)>1 then RETURN(FAIL) fi; i := recinv(d[-1],N-1,E,M); [scamul(i,n,N,E,M), scamul(i,d,N,E,M)]; end: diffrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,x::{name,posint}) local R,A,M,X,E,N,D,k; (R,A) := op(a); (M,X,E) := op(R); N := nops(X); if NN then ERROR("not a polynomial in this variable") fi; D := recdiff(A,N,N-x+1,E,M); POLYNOMIAL(R,D); fi; end: recdiff := proc(A,N,L,E,M) local D,k; if A=0 then return 0 fi; if N>L then D := [seq( recdiff(A[k],N-1,L,E,M), k=1..nops(A) )] elif M=0 then D := [seq( (k-1)*A[k], k=2..nops(A) )]; # shortcut else D := [seq( recsca(A[k],k-1,N-1,0,E,M), k=2..nops(A) )]; fi; for k from nops(D) by -1 to 1 while D[k]=0 do od; if k=0 then D := 0; else D := D[1..k]; fi; end: nrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL) # compute the next polynomial (over a finite ring) local R,A,M,X,E,N,d,one,b; (R,A) := op(a); (M,X,E) := op(R); N := nops(X); if N=nops(E)+1 and M<>0 then else ERROR("input must be a polynomial over a finite ring") fi; if a=0 then one := monrpoly(R,[0$N]); RETURN(one); fi; b := POLYNOMIAL(R,recnp(A,N,E,M)); end: recnp := proc(A,N,E,M) local B,d,i,a; if N=0 then RETURN( A+1 mod M ) fi; if A=0 then RETURN( recmon([0$N]) ) fi; B := A; d := nops(A)-1; for i to d+1 do a := recnp(B[i],N-1,E,M); B := subsop(i=a,B); if a<>0 then RETURN(B) fi; od; if N<=nops(E) and nops(A)=nops(E[-N]-1) then RETURN(0) fi; recmon([d+1,0$(N-1)]); end: nrprpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,m::POLYNOMIAL) # compute the next polynomial from a which is relatively prime to m local b; b := nrpoly(a); while degrpoly(gcdrpoly(b,m)) > 0 do b := nrpoly(b) od; b; end: nmirpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL) # compute the next monic irreducible polynomial local R,A,M,X,E,N,d,x,b,one; (R,A) := op(a); (M,X,E) := op(R); N := nops(X); if N=nops(E)+1 and M<>0 and isprime(M) then else ERROR("not implemented") fi; if A=0 then x := monrpoly(R,[0$(N-1),1]); RETURN(x); fi; d := degrpoly(a); if d=0 then x := monrpoly(R,[1,0$(N-1)]); RETURN(x); fi; if nops(E)=0 and A[-1]<>1 then RETURN(nmirpoly(monrpoly(R,[d+1]))) fi; if nops(E)>0 and A[-1]<>recmon([0$(N-1)]) then RETURN(nmirpoly(monrpoly(R,[d+1,0$(N-1)]))) fi; b := POLYNOMIAL(R,recnmp(A,N,E,M)); if irredrpoly(b) then b else nmirpoly(b) fi; end: recnmp := proc(A,N,E,M) local B,d,i,a; if N=0 then RETURN( A+1 mod M ) fi; if A=0 then RETURN( recmon([0$N]) ) fi; B := A; d := nops(A)-1; for i to d do a := recnmp(B[i],N-1,E,M); B := subsop(i=a,B); if a<>0 then RETURN(B) fi; od; if N<=nops(E) and nops(A)=nops(E[-N]-1) then RETURN(0) fi; recmon([d+1,0$(N-1)]); end: randrpoly := proc(R::POLYRING,d::nonnegint) # create a random polynomial of degree d over a finite ring # R should be a univariate polynomial ring over a finite ring local M,X,E,N; M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X); if M=0 then ERROR("polynomial must be over a finite ring") fi; if nops(X)<>nops(E)+1 then ERROR("multivariate case not implemented") fi; liftrpoly( randffelem( [M,X,[recmon([d+1,0$(N-1)]),op(E)]] ) ); end: randffelem := proc(R::[integer,list(name),list],rng::procedure) # create a random element from the finite field R local M,X,E,N; M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X); if M=0 then ERROR("polynomial must be over a finite ring") fi; if nargs=1 then RETURN( randffelem(R,rand(M)) ) fi; if N<>nops(E) then ERROR("invalid ring") fi; POLYNOMIAL( R, recran(rng,E) ) end: recran := proc(Zp,E) local i,n,A; if E = [] then RETURN( Zp() ) fi; n := nops(E[1]); A := [seq( recran(Zp,E[2..-1]), i=1..n-1 )]; for i from n-1 by -1 to 1 while A[i]=0 do od; if i=0 then RETURN(0) else RETURN(A[1..i]) fi; end: ################################################################################### # # Operations not dependent on op or the structure # # idenomrpoly( 3*x^2+x/4-1/6 ) = 12 idenomrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL) local x; ilcm( seq(denom(x), x={icoeffsrpoly(a)} ) ); end: # icoeffsrpoly( 3*x^3+x/4-1/6 ) = -1/6, 1/4, 3 icoeffsrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL) irecofs(getpoly(a),nops(getvars(a))) end: irecofs := proc(A,L) local a; if A=0 then NULL elif L=0 then A else seq(irecofs(a,L-1),a=A) fi end: # The integer content version is like Maple's. If the polynomial is # over Q dividing by the integer content will make it primitive over Z # So that this function can be applied to polynomials of characteristic n # as well as characteristic 0, we make them monic in that case. icontrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,pp::name) local R,A,M,X,E,N,C,c,i,n,d; R := getring(a); M := getchar(a); X := getvars(a); N := nops(X); if iszerorpoly(a) then if nargs=2 then pp := a; fi; RETURN(a) fi; if M<>0 then c := ilcrpoly(a,N); i := 1/c mod M; if nargs=2 then pp := maprpoly(c -> modp(i*c,M),a,N) fi; RETURN(c) fi; C := {icoeffsrpoly(a)}; if type(C,set(integer)) then c := igcd(op(C)); if nargs=2 then if c=0 then pp := rpoly(0,R); else pp := maprpoly(x -> iquo(x,c),a,N) fi; fi; c else ASSERT(type(C,set(rational))); n := map(numer,C); d := map(denom,C); c := igcd(op(n))/ilcm(op(d)); if nargs=2 then if c=0 then pp := rpoly(0,R); else pp := maprpoly(x -> x/c,a,N) fi; fi; c fi; end: ipprpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,cc::name) local c,pp,u,N; if iszerorpoly(a) then if nargs=2 then cc := 0; fi; RETURN(a) fi; c := icontrpoly(a,'pp'); N := nops(getvars(a)); u := sign(ilcrpoly(pp,N)); if u=-1 then pp := maprpoly(x -> -x,pp,N); fi; if nargs=2 then cc := c*u fi; pp; end: modprpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL) local R,A,M,X,E; # Change representation for Zp to the positive representation R,A := op(a); M,X,E := op(R); if M=0 then a else POLYNOMIAL([M,X,modp(E,M)],modp(A,M)) fi; end: modsrpoly := proc (a::POLYNOMIAL) local R,A,M,X,E; # Change representation for Zp to the symmetric representation R,A := op(a); M,X,E := op(R); if M=0 then a else POLYNOMIAL([M,X,mods(E,M)],mods(A,M)) fi; end: iquorpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,b::integer) local R,A,M,X,E,N; if b=1 then RETURN(a) fi; R,A := op(a); M,X,E := op(R); if M<>0 then ERROR("polynomial must be over Z"); fi; N := nops(X); POLYNOMIAL(R,reciquo(A,b,N)); end: reciquo := proc(A,b,N) local B,i; if A=0 then 0 elif N=0 then if not type(A,integer) then ERROR("polynomial must be over Z") fi; if irem(A,b,'i')=0 then i else ERROR("division failed") fi; else B := map(reciquo,A,b,N-1); for i to nops(B) while B[-i] = 0 do od; B[1..-i] fi end: chremrpoly := proc(U::list(POLYNOMIAL)) local R,M,X,u,m; if nops(U)=0 then ERROR("at least one image expected") fi; M := {seq( getchar(u), u=U )}; if nops(M) <> 1 then ERROR("inconsistent base rings") fi; X := {seq( getvars(u), u=U )}; if nops(X)>1 then ERROR("images must be in the same variables") fi; M := [seq( getalgext(u), u=U )]; R := {seq( getring(u), u=M )}; if nops(R) <> 1 then ERROR("images must be over the same ring") fi; u,m := recchrem(U,M); u end: recchrem := proc(u::list(POLYNOMIAL),m::list(POLYNOMIAL)) local n,u1,u2,m1,m2,v0,v1,v,a,i; n := nops(u); if n=1 then RETURN(u[1],m[1]) fi; # This is the divide and conquer approach # l := iquo(n,2); # u1,m1 := chremrpoly(u[1..l],m[1..l]); # u2,m2 := chremrpoly(u[l+1..n],m[l+1..n]); u1,m1 := recchrem(u[1..n-1],m[1..n-1]); u2,m2 := u[n],m[n]; # The following is critical for efficiency: when we solve u = v0 + v1 m1 mod m2 # for v1 we want m2 to be the smaller (in degree) of m1 and m2. if nops(getpoly(m1)) < nops(getpoly(m2)) then u1,m1,u2,m2 := u2,m2,u1,m1 fi; # The following is is a waste of time because reconstruction # is done accross polynomials it is rarely used. # #p := getchar(u1); #X := getvars(u1); # #if speedupZpt=true and p>0 and nops(X)=1 then #if RELEASE6 then # u1,m1 := modp1(ConvertIn(getpoly(u1),_Z),p), modp1(ConvertIn(getpoly(m1),_Z),p); # u2,m2 := modp1(ConvertIn(getpoly(u2),_Z),p), modp1(ConvertIn(getpoly(m2),_Z),p); # v0 := u1; # if not modp1(IsOne(Gcdex(m1,m2,'i')),p) then ERROR( "inverse does not exist" ) fi; # v1 := modp1(Rem(Multiply(i,Subtract(u2,Rem(v0,m2))),m2),p); # a := modp1(ConvertOut(Add(v0,Multiply(v1,m1))),p); if a=[] then a := 0 fi; # m1m2 := modp1(ConvertOut(Multiply(m1,m2)),p); # RETURN( POLYNOMIAL([p,X,[m1m2]],a), POLYNOMIAL([p,X,[]],m1m2) ); #else # u1,m1 := modp1(ConvertIn(getpoly(u1)),p), modp1(ConvertIn(getpoly(m1)),p); # u2,m2 := modp1(ConvertIn(getpoly(u2)),p), modp1(ConvertIn(getpoly(m2)),p); # v0 := u1; # if not modp1(IsOne(Gcdex(m1,m2,'i')),p) then ERROR( "inverse does not exist" ) fi; # v1 := modp1(Rem(Multiply(i,Subtract(u2,Rem(v0,m2))),m2),p); # a := modp1(ConvertOut(Add(v0,Multiply(v1,m1))),p); if a=[] then a := 0 fi; # m1m2 := modp1(ConvertOut(Multiply(m1,m2)),p); # RETURN( POLYNOMIAL([p,X,[m1m2]],a), POLYNOMIAL([p,X,[]],m1m2) ); #fi; #fi; # Let v = v0 + v1*m1. We have v == u1 mod m1 and v = u2 mod m2. # u1 == v0 (mod m1) ==> v0 == u1 mod m1 ==> v0 = u1. # u2 == v0 + v1*m1 (mod m2) ==> v1 == (u2 - u1)/m1 mod m2. # In the computation the variable a = u2 - (u1 mod m2) v0 := liftrpoly(u1); a := subrpoly(u2,phirpoly(v0,m2)); i := invrpoly(phirpoly(m1,m2)); v1 := liftrpoly(scarpoly(i,a)); v := addrpoly(v0,scarpoly(m1,v1)); n := mulrpoly(m1,m2); v := phirpoly(v,n); RETURN(v,n); end: lcmrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,b::POLYNOMIAL) local R,A,M,X,E,N,B,g,l,i,zero,one; checkconsistency(a,b); R := getring(a); M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X); if N<>nops(E)+1 then ERROR("polynomials must be univariate") fi; B := op(2,b); zero := convert(0,POLYNOMIAL,R); if A=zero or B=zero then RETURN(zero) fi; one := convert(1,POLYNOMIAL,R); if A=one then l := b; elif B=one then l := a; elif A=B then l := a; else g := gcdrpoly(a,b); l := mulrpoly(quorpoly(a,g),b); fi; i := invrpoly(lcrpoly(l)); l := scarpoly(i,l); end: contrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,Y::{nonnegint,name,list(name)},pp::name) local R,M,X,E,N,zero,one,C,g,c; R := getring(a); M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X); C := {coeffsrpoly(a,Y)}; if C={} then # a must be the zero polynomial if type(Y,name) then N := 1 elif type(Y,list) then N := nops(Y) else N := Y fi; c := convert( 0, POLYNOMIAL, [M,X[N+1..-1],E] ); if nargs=3 then pp := a; fi; RETURN(c); fi; if type(C[1],rational) then ERROR("invalid operation") fi; R := getring(C[1]); M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X); if nops(X) = nops(E) then # content is 1 g := convert(1,POLYNOMIAL,R); else C := sort( [op(C)], proc(a,b) evalb(degrpoly(a) one do g := gcdrpoly(c,g); od; fi; if nargs=3 then divrpoly(a,g,pp) fi; g end: pprpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,Y::{nonnegint,name,list(name)},cc::name) local c,pp,l; if nargs=1 then if iszerorpoly(a) then RETURN(a) fi; RETURN(scarpoly(invrpoly(lcrpoly(a)),a)); fi; c := contrpoly(a,Y,'pp'); l := lcrpoly(pp); if nargs=3 then cc := scarpoly(l,c) fi; pp := scarpoly(invrpoly(l),pp); end: powmodrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL,e::nonnegint,b::POLYNOMIAL) local R,A,B,C,M,X,E,N,S,one,zero,r,s,n; checkconsistency(a,b); R := getring(a); M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X); if N<>nops(E)+1 then ERROR("polynomials must be univariate") fi; zero := convert(0,POLYNOMIAL,R); if a=zero then RETURN(a) fi; if b=zero then ERROR("division by zero") fi; if speedupZpt and M<>0 and nops(E)=0 then # Zp[t] case A,B := op(2,a),op(2,b); if RELEASE6 then C := modp1( ConvertOut(Powmod(ConvertIn(A,_Z),e,ConvertIn(B,_Z))), M ); else C := modp1( ConvertOut(Powmod(ConvertIn(A),e,ConvertIn(B))), M ); fi; if C=[] then RETURN(POLYNOMIAL(R,0)) else RETURN(POLYNOMIAL(R,C)) fi; fi; r := convert(1,POLYNOMIAL,R); s := remrpoly(a,b); n := e; while n>0 do if irem(n,2,'n')=1 then r := remrpoly(mulrpoly(r,s),b); fi; s := remrpoly(mulrpoly(s,s),b); od; r; end: irredrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL) local R,A,M,X,E,N,g,q,e,x,w,d,k; R := getring(a); M,X,E := op(R); N := nops(X); if N=nops(E)+1 and M<>0 and isprime(M) then else ERROR("not implemented") fi; d := degrpoly(a); if a=0 or d=0 then RETURN(false) fi; if d=1 then RETURN(true) fi; # check if 0 is a root if iszerorpoly(coeffrpoly(a,0)) then RETURN(false) fi; # check if a is square-free g := gcdrpoly(diffrpoly(a),a); if degrpoly(g)>0 then RETURN(false) fi; # compute q the cardinality of the field q := M; for e in E do q := q^(nops(e)-1) od; # run the distinct degree algorithm x := monrpoly(R,[1,0$(N-1)]); w := x; for k to iquo(d,2) do w := powmodrpoly(w,q,a); g := gcdrpoly(subrpoly(w,x),a); if degrpoly(g)>0 then RETURN(false) fi; od; true; end: rrefrpoly := proc(A::matrix(POLYNOMIAL)) local R,n,m,c,i,j,one,zero,r,t; R := getring(A[1,1]); zero := convert(0,POLYNOMIAL,R); one := convert(1,POLYNOMIAL,R); n := linalg[rowdim](A); m := linalg[coldim](A); r := 1; for c to m while r <= n do for i from r to n while A[i,c] = zero do od; if i > n then next fi; if i <> r then # interchange row i with row r for j from c to m do t := A[i,j]; A[i,j] := A[r,j]; A[r,j] := t od fi; t := invrpoly(A[r,c]); for j from c+1 to m do A[r,j] := mulrpoly(A[r,j],t) od; A[r,c] := one; for i from 1 to r-1 do # reduce above pivot row t := A[i,c]; if t = zero then next fi; for j from c+1 to m do A[i,j] := subrpoly(A[i,j],mulrpoly(t,A[r,j])); od; A[i,c] := zero; od; for i from r+1 to n do # reduce below pivot row t := A[i,c]; if t = zero then next fi; for j from c+1 to m do A[i,j] := subrpoly(A[i,j],mulrpoly(t,A[r,j])); od; A[i,c] := zero; od; r := r+1 # go to next row od; # go to next column eval(A); end: nullspacerpoly := proc(B::matrix(POLYNOMIAL)) local A,R,l,m,c,i,j,k,zero,r,n,u,v,N,one,s,t; A := copy(B); rrefrpoly(A); R := getring(A[1,1]); zero := convert(0,POLYNOMIAL,R); one := convert(1,POLYNOMIAL,R); l := linalg[rowdim](A); m := linalg[coldim](A); r := 1; for c to m while r <= l do if A[r,c] = zero then else r := r+1 fi; od; r := r-1; # r is now the rank n := m-r; # n is the dimension of the null-space if r>0 then s := array(1..r) fi; u := vector([seq(k+r,k=1..n)]); v := vector([seq(r+1,k=1..n)]); j := 1; for i to l while j <= m do while j <= m and A[i,j] = zero do u[j-i+1] := j; v[j-i+1] := i; j := j+1 od; if i <= r then s[i] := j fi; j := j+1 od; N := vector(n); for i to n do # N[i], the i'th nullspace vector, is obtained from col(A,u[i]) t := vector(m); for j to m do t[j] := zero od; t[u[i]] := one; for j to v[i]-1 do t[s[j]] := negrpoly(A[j,u[i]]) od; N[i] := eval(t); od; [seq( eval(N[i]),i=1..n )]; end: linsolrpoly := proc(a::matrix(POLYNOMIAL),b::vector(POLYNOMIAL)) local n,i,j,k,B,R,M,X,E,N,one,zero,x,A; n := linalg[rowdim](a); if linalg[coldim](a) <> n then ERROR("non-square system") fi; R := getring(a[1,1]); one := convert(1,POLYNOMIAL,R); zero := convert(0,POLYNOMIAL,R); A := array(1..n,1..n+1); for i to n do for j to n do A[i,j] := a[i,j]; od; A[i,n+1] := b[i]; od; for k to n do # find a non-zero pivot for i from k to n while A[i,k] = zero do od; if i>n then RETURN(FAIL) fi; if i>k then for j from k to n+1 do A[k,j],A[i,j] := A[i,j],A[k,j] od fi; i := invrpoly(A[k,k]); for j from k+1 to n+1 do A[k,j] := mulrpoly(i,A[k,j]) od; A[k,k] := one; for i from k+1 to n do if A[i,k]=zero then next fi; for j from k+1 to n+1 do A[i,j] := subrpoly(A[i,j],mulrpoly(A[i,k],A[k,j])) od; A[i,k] := zero; od; od; x := vector(n); for i from n by -1 to 1 do x[i] := A[i,n+1]; for j from i+1 to n do x[i] := subrpoly(x[i],mulrpoly(x[j],A[i,j])) od; od; eval(x) end: maxnrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL) local X,C; X := getvars(a); C := [icoeffsrpoly(a,X)]; C := map(abs,C); max(op(C)); end: onenrpoly := proc(a::POLYNOMIAL) local X,C; X := getvars(a); C := [icoeffsrpoly(a,X)]; C := map(abs,C); `+`(op(C)); end: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # compdeg(p::list,q::list)::{less,greater,equal} # # Compares two vector degrees p & q in lexicographic order and returns: # "less" if p < q, # "greater" if p > q and # "equal" if p = q # compdeg := proc(A::list(integer),B::list(integer)) local m,n,i; (m,n) := (nops(A),nops(B)); for i to min(m,n) do if A[i]B[i] then RETURN(greater) fi; od; if mn then RETURN(greater) else RETURN(equal) fi; end: mindeg := proc(A::list(integer),B::list(integer)) local m,n,i; (m,n) := (nops(A),nops(B)); for i to min(m,n) do if A[i]B[i] then RETURN(B) fi; od; if mn then RETURN(B) else RETURN(A) fi; end: